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- Birthday 12/13/1971
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You get it and your right they did get away it because the 1% owns the politicians and they get away with whatever they want..Anglers should be furious they are selling our fisheries right out from under us and this should be of CRITICAL concern to every Angler (Citizen) in America because our fisheries have remained a public resource shared by both recreational and commercial Anglers since this country began. If the resource is sold off as a commodity then it becomes privately owned by the share holders. Those with the most shares gain control of it. This takes management of our nations fisheries out of the governments (Anglers) hands and put control in the hands of share holders with the most shares who plan to exploit it to the fullest. JerryG
Walmart is using Catch Shares to take control over our nations commercial fishing industry. Catch Shares is a system being pushed through the Federal Government backed by Walton Family Foundation (Walmart). Under this system the annual catch quotas are divided in to catch shares that can be to be leased, bought and sold as commodities. This system requires commercial fishing operations to purchase catch shares to fish. Catch Shares represent the transferring of wealth of our fish populations from the public trust into private hands by allowing private ownership of commodities. When catch shares are given to fishermen, those who receive the largest initial distribution of shares are those who have the most capital to purchase the most shares. Those who have the most shares often gain control over the entire fishery. Smaller-scale traditional fishermen are pushed out of the fishery and opens the door for large companies take over. Please see below for details on catch shares. This is the direction that we are headed Walmart has their way. It's not good. The link below breaks it down. JerryG
I heard the news about the law that would make it mandatory for male porn actors to wear condoms for all productions moving forward made in California. Just another set back for Californians. As long as adult entertainers are screened for STDs and given a clean bill of health then I say let them do their job. I doubt that those backing this initiative even watch porn and most likely strictly limit sexual intercourse to the sole purpose of procreation if even that. In all Seriousness though this law will be very effective in pushing all adult entertainment productions and the jobs go along them out of the State California. In other news I dug up more information on Catch Shares which the Walmart Family is trying gain control over. The other articles explained how they are trying gain control but I found this link in one of the articles which explains why Catch Shares cause economic destruction to commercial fishing communities, how Catch Shares fail to sustain the health of our fisheries and fail achieve legal standards for fishery management. Well worth the read. I hope this is not the direction our fisheries are headed if they are not there already. JerryG
I am with you and ready to lead this charge. I refuse to give up my liberties, my freedom, and my tradition. As others have mentioned I support conservation and feel the need to further reduce the number of fish that can be taken. In fact I have been an advocate of this for years and I would applaud tighter limits. I also would have strongly supported catch and release with in restricted areas. However to loose the right to fish large areas of the coast line entirely and to go as far as to exclude activities such as boating, walking, and swimming while allowing residents to remain on these same beaches and the development of new housing to take place is just out right wrong. These are the very liberties we not only as Anglers but as the Citizens of this country that we must take a stand to defend. Consider those who throughout history fought so we could enjoy the lands and liberties we have today. Consider those who gave their lives for their right to freedom not just for themselves but for future generations. We need to pick up this fight and defend our rights not just for ourselves but for generations to come. We may not be fighting on a battle field but we at war against an enemy driven by corporate greed and power. What we are fighting for is the foundation for which this country was built upon. We need to educate Anglers (people) across the country of what's going on and we need to all pull together. This thread has a lot of very valuable information and l wish we could share it more of the fishing community. JerryG
The body of water I chose to fight for was the Pacific West Coast of California. I was not alone in the fight as tens of thousands of fellow anglers in California stood up to fight. We were treated so unfairly through out the entire process that it was obvious that our opinions meant nothing. Corruption was obvious and there were clearly serious conflicts of interest taking place on the side of our opposition. All we asked for was a process that was fair but what we learned is the entire democratic process that we have been taught to believe in had sold out to special interest. I used to believe in democracy and I still do but what we have now is far from it. The democracy we have now is manipulated and controlled by 1% of the population and acts on their best interest in all matters. The rest of the people who make up 99% of the people are secondary. The majority of the people in the state were against the initiatives but all decision makers were appointed by officials who received contributions from non profit organizations which were largely funded by big business and oil. In return elected officials placed decision makers who favored the opposition and largely ignored the concerns of the public. Even when challenged in court our case fate was decided by a technicality which we lost. Now the case is in court of appeals and it will be another year before we are heard again. Sure the elected officials who were responsible were not re-elected. The Governator didn't bother to run for another term amid wide spread claims of corruption. He is a liar and a crook who should have stuck to body building and movie making. Politicians will say anything to get elected but once they are in office they will do anything to get paid regardless of public opinion. If we want to fix the government then we need a complete disconnect from government officials and special interests. If there is any monetary connection a politician and a special interest group there should be a full investigation and if confirmed the individual should be removed from office. This would restore democracy in this country and return power to the hands of the voters. There was a time when the people of this country had that power but that time is gone and until accountability is restored I don't see the problem improving in fact it will only get worse. Jerryg
I agree that the field staff (officers) of the California Department Of fish and Game are great. I have become friends with my local (Southern California) DFG officer(s) over the years. For those that don't know the California Fish and Game is seriously under funded and under staffed making their presence in the field almost seem non-existent at times. The California Field Officer is faced with enforcing the law in the forests, hunting/ non hunting areas (poachers for the non hunting areas) , inshore, offshore, coastal waters/ lands, islands, and inland waters. The Field Officer is faced with an impossible job and based on what I have seen they do all they can to protect our resources to the best of their abilities. I strongly support and deeply appreciate their superb efforts. I wish they had more say in the decisions being made by the department because these people are on the water and are in know with what is going on. I can't say that I agree with the direction that the Department is headed but this is likely the result of what took place before Chuck Bonham was put in charge. I do think he is a lot better than the previous director. I am hopeful that he will stand behind the anglers in this state but time only time will tell. I don't expect to agree with all the decisions that the DFG makes and I certainly did not agree with there recent proposal for private hatcheries. If approved it would have forced the operators of private fishing lakes and private hatcheries out of business. Although I don't fish paid lakes I sure would hate to see the Anglers who do lose these resources. This was an obvious attempt for the Department to raise a lot of money at the expense of others or perhaps just to force private hatcheries and lakes out of business. Please follow the link for details. Also do not support the DFGs plan to erradicate striped bass in the delta region. I am not saying that stripers don't contribute to the decline of the endangered Delta Smelt but really they two species have lived together for over 120 years. Its irresponsible for the Department to allow the Corpraculture Farming Industry to place blame on the striped bass for the decline in bay smelt so that they can continue to decimate all species of fish in the region by exporting all the water from the region to feed their large corporate farms.. The fact that the DFG has been going along with this plan to eliminate the striper fishery and their failure to address the fact that the water exports are to blame comes as a disappointment. Follow the link for the full the story. http://blogs.alterne...-bass-proposal/ JerryG
This is interesting because the tree huggers do play a significant role in anti-fishing campaigns here as well. There are groups of environMENTAL extremists here that would like nothing more than to put an end to all forms of fishing and hunting. Although their numbers were small in comparison to those who came out in support of the fishing community they are relentless in their efforts to shut down fishing in California. These people don't have a clue when it comes to fishery management but they seem to think they know what is best for everything and everyone. Their attitude is to hell with anglers, hunters, fishing and hunting. Could care less about tradition and the rights of every man, woman, and child. These people make us out to be cold blooded killers. Even if your strictly catch and release which I am for the most part they see people like me as someone who tortures animals. If these people knew anything about our fisheries then they would find that Anglers are the true environmentalists and that is why we are the ones fighting the hardest to protect the fisheries. If any enviro extremists spent half the time I have spent on the water over the past 30 years then they would actually have an understanding of our fisheries and even if they didn't fish I am willing to bet they would be on our side. JerryG
Diemai I want to thank you for your support. I am sorry to hear about the situation you are faced with in Germany. I'm afraid that we are headed in the same direction. One thing that bothers is that at least here in California the decision makers in the Fish and Game Department are appointed by the Governor. Big Oil, Walmart, Land Developers, and others that make up the 1% keep the Governors in their back pockets and the Governor is basically their puppet as are the rest of the politicians in this country. Big Business wants to control resources and most the people in charge of our resources are appointed not placed by public vote but instead by elected official. Big Business wants to make sure that all decision makers are on their side so that decisions are made to benefit them. They don't care about conservation, Anglers, or the public for that matter and this is should be of huge concern. JerryG
There are decisions being made now that will affect the future of our sport. We do need to raise awareness of the situation to Anglers and non Anglers alike because what's at steak is our liberties, our land, and our traditions. We formed a coalition group out here in California to fight for our rights and took on the State (politics backed by big business) to court and we lost on a technicality. I just felt that our coalition failed to get the support of enough anglers. It was weak and I feel we just need something better. Something at a national level really what we need is a watchdog organization that protects access to public lands, helps keep our fisheries healthy (sustainable), and defends our the rights of Anglers across the country. They need to defend us at local, state, and federal levels. We need something comparable to the NRA but much more powerful. Until we get organized and establish a group to defend our rights we will continue to loose our rights to fish. JerryG
Ben you and I are on the same page with this. So often I see people out on the water who are so up tight with information and unwilling to help others who are new to the sport. Look I understand not wanting to give up ones spots or information that might help gain edge in a tournament but that's not what I"m talking about. If we don't take the time to introduce the sport to Anglers then the sport will die.. I rather see a kid out for the first time catch a big fish than myself or even an adult for that matter who has never fished before. There is just something magical about that first fish and especially if its a big one that is like nothing else. There is a good chance that catching that fish might raise an interest in fishing that will last a life time. I remember a day way back when I was that kid out for the first time who caught that big fish and I was hooked. From that moment forward fishing began making a positive influence in my life. I bet for many of you out there reading this there was a day when that kid was you. Just think of all the benefits and enjoyment that fishing has brought to your life. Introduce it to others share the gift. JerryG
Mark, Big business is all over it and the truth is that they could care less about anglers or our fisheries. They are looking to increase there bottom line and are using new environmental laws to work the system and manipulate our resources the whole time making it seem as if they are concerned. The general public will always come out in support of initiatives that preserve the environment and protect wild life. If the general public only knew what was going on there would be a lot more protests and boycotts going on. Make no doubt about it these people will destroy the environment long before they will save it and for what just to increase profits and monopolize markets. Once they have privatized large areas of public land and paid off the politicians to hand over management to non profit groups directly funded by BIG business (Wall Mart, Oil Companies, Land Developers) then they can exploit it for all it's worth. It's completely un-American. Just think of all the people who fought (died) so we could have the freedom we enjoy today only to lose our lands and liberties to big business and corrupt politicians who have been bought by these people. These people should be in jail for what they are doing but instead they are left in charge to make the decisions that will affect our future. JerryG
Before you put your trust in Walmart read this.. More Walmart Anti Fishing information. Another one on Walmart Anti fishing. JerryG
You guys have no idea. Not sure if people across the country have heard anything about the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) that is currently taking effect in California but it is basically a conservation initiative that was started with good intention and was suppose to have been based on science but it ended up getting high jacked by special interests most of whom could care less about conserving out our fisheries. In the end the supporters bought out all decision makers including the Governator. The people left in charge of the of determining the areas to be closed knew nothing about the fisheries, They were oil company executives and land developers who also drew strong support from rich beach front estate property owners who found a way to make the beaches in front of their homes private and prevent the public from accessing these areas. Decision makers disregarded the studies conducted by the worlds leading experts on fishery management, and payed no attention to the pleas or demands of the fishing community here in California. We got railroaded through the whole process and as a result we lost many of our best fishing areas forever. Once an area becomes a reserve it falls under a different set of laws that in the case of a reserve prohibits boating, swimming, and walking but fails to do anything to improve water quality. It opens these areas up to oil exploration as well. You would think that PETA would be all over it but they didn't come out to support this ban. The Fishing community are the true conservations in this situation. As a consequence the spots in areas that have remained opened have been over fished due to Anglers being left fewer options. Although one may argue that only 15% of the coast line has been closed but when you consider 90% of the fish we catch along the coast in California come from areas that make up 15 to 20% of our waters and 100% of the closed areas exist within that 15 to 20% of our prime waters the impact is huge. Be very concerned of any conservation movements in your states because oil companies and big business are and will use this as an excuse to change the laws to their benefit. They operate under the disguise of ocean stewardship organizations to gain public support but make no mistake about it these people are no friends to fisherman or our oceans. Don't take my word for it do a google search on "MLPA Corruption" and see what comes up. Here are few of many. JerryG