I am a newbe as well and was wondering if I need to use a certain type of paint for re-painting already painted lures, or if it is ok to go over with any type of paint? I guess what I 'm asking is if I use a laquer or acrylic over an already painted (just lightly sanded for adhesion) lure, will the top coat bubble or jellify the lower coat as to wreck the paint job?
Go here and get a Iwata CR or BR for under $70.00 shipped! Both are made to shoot acrylic or lacquer paints with out wrecking the brush. I have the BR and love it...
Good luck!
well, I guess that answers that question, I guess the Iwata is the way to go. What do you guys think is better for this application, the CR (1/3c) or the BR(1/16c)?
Ben : )