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About rocnet1

  • Birthday 04/04/1979

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. rocnet1


    I used wood craft sticks at first. They do cause a lot of bubbles if they burn.
  2. darker colors are used during low light situations for visual aid more than baitfish imitation
  3. I have been repouring the same plastic over and over. Today was the fourth pour with that glitter and most of it curled back out flat. Go figure! Thanks for the replies, Ryan
  4. I am using .062 large glitter from Lurecraft. I add my glitter just before I pour, but the heat curls the glitter. Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks, Ryan
  5. I used two oz plastic and added half teaspoon at 340. Perhaps I should try adding before heating....
  6. I tried pouring a "Folgers" frog. The plastic was ready to go, but when I poured in the coffee grinds it started bubbling and never would thin back down. It poured thick and looks awful, yet smells stout. Can anyone tell me how to thin it back down to help it pour in the mold better? Thanks, Ryan
  7. watermelon top with large gold glitter bottom without color added has a chartreuse look in the sunlight.
  8. watermelon top with large gold glitter bottom without color added has a chartreuse look in the sunlight.
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