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Everything posted by PikeMastaRapp

  1. PikeMastaRapp


    just wondering if anyone has ever done some fishing in the Boundary Waters or Quetico park? I have never been up there and was thinking about setting up a fishing trip and most have the lakes havent been checked by MN DNR since i was in diapers so i need to go on other peoples experiences to plan my trip. Was thinking about eitehr Lac LaCroix or East Pike Lake thanx for any help
  2. one on left is 18 3/4 other is 17 3/4 caught those on consective cast during league. Also today picked up 2 17's
  3. Happy Easter (when wife wasnt watching made it out of the house and to the lake and caught 12 nice sunfish)
  4. I read that part and ill complain that we still have 4ft of ice ,and even if we didnt the only thing we can fish for right now is panfish. I hate march and april in MN. only 49days,11hrs,3mins,20 secs till openers! Watch out Walleye
  5. boy im realy going to be bored in wisconsin since i dont drink! I was hoping my father i law would hold off the job till spring so i could do some fishing
  6. PikeMastaRapp


    Any TU membes from Farvesconsin (formally Wisconsin) can you tell me is their any thing to do in town? Ill be going there in April to carpet a hotel and need some thing to do in spare time
  7. boy it makes me feel good! your guys f-ups look better than my finished ones:eek:
  8. I wouldn't put Elway 3rd(closer to 4 or 5), but Even if he was getting sacked all game he would still drive his team down the field for a game winning drive alot of the time.
  9. I dont know about online but i get my lexan at a auto parts store
  10. well no one in the North has a quarterback
  11. No jokes about a musking going at the lure with the wrong hole?
  12. even though jflures havent agreed much in this post ill agree with him on this one. your going to have career records when your a good quarterback who never gets hurt and plays for 17 seasons, but that doesnt mean your the best. I think you start looking at greatness my number of superbowl MVP's ,MVP's, and game winning drives
  13. Ya but when i head out to a local muskie lake and throw on a 15" bulldawg or crank there arent many pike in the lake big enough to take it.
  14. K i was talking to the resort owner on vermilion and he told me that he had a guest that was staying there take a dildo threw a couple colorado blades and some muskie hooks on it and had a 60"+ muskie follow it up to the boat. It also made me think. Do you think it would help if you took a dildo that is battiery powered throw some large spinners on it but also turn it on to give off extra vibration in the water? maybe throw some flashabo on its aswell.
  15. Maple Lake at least today will be above freezing
  16. Boy this just isnt fair! People fishing open water and catching big fish and me hiding inside because its below zero outside:cry:. wheres global warming when i need it
  17. Well im 28 so i didnt see any of them except for what ive seen on youtube and other video clips and from what ive read in the biographies
  18. your right about that but I would say you forgot about Sid Luckman and Otto Graham. Luckman was the 1st throwing quarterback without him they still might be running the ball 95% of the time(he also still hold record for most TD passes in a game). Graham 3 NFL MVPs and 2 AAFC MVPs and the 10yrs he played lead browns to 10 championships. Jonny U. 3 NFL championships 1 superbowl win 3 MVP's. :worship:You have to show love to them:worship:
  19. :tipsy:Welcome KcKid:yeah:
  20. You have a list? the only thing i might change is Marino and luckman
  21. Ummmm... I know smoking Stuff over the years has taken lots of brain cells but its been a long time and i know i saved at least 5 or 6 brain cells:wink: 1- Montana 2- Unitas 3- Graham 4- Elway 5- Marino 6- Luckman 7- Favre
  22. Welcome to the forums. You did better than me my first didnt want to float right plus i cant paint at all:eek:
  23. I wouldn't but Marino all that high on the list he had fairly good teams and couldnt get a ring. Elway might have gotten blown out but look how many game winning drives he had. When the pressure was on Elway shined, thats why he was great.
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