My name is matt skreen im 27 years old. I grew up in 5 different small towns always living on a like and loving to fish. I have 3 boy Ben(5), Alexx(4), Mia(2) and our first girl is due in less than 2weeks (Brooklynn). I was a cook for 8yrs but after that many years cooking one of the "Cooking side effects" realy started setting in and i decided it was time to find a better job. For the past 2yrs Ive beed installing floors for my father-in-law. When i first started dating my wife in high school i stopped fishing altogether, but then last year my father in law took me on is anual fishing trip to Canada(7 days of just fishing from 6am-8pm) and he remineded me of how fun it was and im back in full force! like i told my wife " My girlfriend gave me good reasons not to fish:wink:,My wife gave me good reasons to go fishing:yay:!
I havent made anylures yet but ive started to buy my supplies and my father is a city worker and cuts down lots of basswood tree in summer:yeah:so im very excited to get started! and thats me in a nut shell, $5 say im the only member that is pierced up(6 ears 2 eyebrow, used to have one lip) only 1 tatoo but hoping for at least 4 more, and if i have the time ill go with green or purple hair and a mohawk or 2 and i love Punk Rock. last thing is i would like to thank everyone here again for all your help when i first got the idea wasnt sure i could do this but with all your help im sure ill get the