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Everything posted by PikeMastaRapp

  1. Not to sound like a total newbie about wood but i am what is pressure treated wood? is it the green treated or is it the regular 2x4 used to do framing?
  2. Bobp do you still have those pics?
  3. what do you use to make split crankbaits to connect them? eye hook and split ring or is there a specail eye hook to order?
  4. well to solve it a did a little swearing and went out and got minwax sanding sealer and also bought some other primers to try and im going to mix and match till i find what works best also for good measure got some new paints
  5. Ive used the search forums to try to help and i cant find my answer! Im having problems getting my primer coat to stick to my lure. I used Armor all wood sealer and i used krylon spray for primer. ive tried roughing it up with 2 diff grits of sand paper(220,100) i thought i had it with the 100 but when i went to paint it just ate away and the primer! ill be going off to the store tomarrow morning so any help/idea would be great!
  6. The bluegill was realy nice
  7. Devcon tastes nothing like Paste
  8. Thanx for all the replies everyone and Wife and daughter are home now and doing great! boy are still way too wild!
  9. most likely but im a little worried this time. i have 2 younger brothers and 3 boys i have never realy done any raising of girls1
  10. :yeah:1/31/08 4:28am My and i had our 4th child(1st girl)!
  11. Umm... hockey ya . I live in state of hockey and i still hate it. look its a pro hockey player:teef:. But i did like the Megadeth
  12. Ive only made one lure as of now few more ready to paint, but ive go with open water fishing over making lures any day of the week. Only reason i started to make lures was to stop going threw fishing withdrawls. I writing this right now reminds me how much i miss fishing:cry:, and how mush i hate this -40 degree weather
  13. Nice video. Funny about the guys rod:lol:
  14. Welcome from the guy thats newer at this then you!
  15. I started cutting down my wood for a jerk bait body and when i was done cutting i noticed a crack running threw the middle on the inside of the body it only goes 1/4 way down the body! wil it be fine or should i scrap the body and start over?
  16. Now i realy have cabin fever! I was feeling good today step out side and for the first time in over three weeks the temp was in double digits(for a week there we had a hard time of getting above 0) then i seek people are open water fishing and catching some nice fish:eek:! I cant wait for global warming
  17. My name is matt skreen im 27 years old. I grew up in 5 different small towns always living on a like and loving to fish. I have 3 boy Ben(5), Alexx(4), Mia(2) and our first girl is due in less than 2weeks (Brooklynn). I was a cook for 8yrs but after that many years cooking one of the "Cooking side effects" realy started setting in and i decided it was time to find a better job. For the past 2yrs Ive beed installing floors for my father-in-law. When i first started dating my wife in high school i stopped fishing altogether, but then last year my father in law took me on is anual fishing trip to Canada(7 days of just fishing from 6am-8pm) and he remineded me of how fun it was and im back in full force! like i told my wife " My girlfriend gave me good reasons not to fish:wink:,My wife gave me good reasons to go fishing:yay:! I havent made anylures yet but ive started to buy my supplies and my father is a city worker and cuts down lots of basswood tree in summer:yeah:so im very excited to get started! and thats me in a nut shell, $5 say im the only member that is pierced up(6 ears 2 eyebrow, used to have one lip) only 1 tatoo but hoping for at least 4 more, and if i have the time ill go with green or purple hair and a mohawk or 2 and i love Punk Rock. last thing is i would like to thank everyone here again for all your help when i first got the idea wasnt sure i could do this but with all your help im sure ill get the
  18. Thanks Riverrat she looks like a good one!
  19. Nice job. I hope my fist lures look that good
  20. If you would like i could ask my step father he is a lawyer! I think the ex-owner of the company would still own patent thought only company went under not patent
  21. Has anyone here everfished lake st. joseph in ontario? if so any tips ill be going.... well look down to sig(may 17-24)
  22. Oh no thats the year the packers drafted vonnie holiday #19 then vikes drafted Moss with #21
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