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About 6_feet_deep

  • Birthday 04/07/1978

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  1. Thanks to BobP and others I've been using Devcon 2T here recently and have had great results. I must say that I am NOT a lure maker, just a re-painter, but everything is behaving just as I was told it would. When I paint wooden lures or plastic, I'm sanding down the original paints a bit, using a hi-grit paper, and then spraying a white primer (spray can) over the top of it. I let that sit overnight. For my paints, I'm using water based createx (letting it sit overnight after painting) and then applying the epoxy (D2T) directly to the plug/paint, without a clear in between...I brush as BobP suggested and everything works very well. My one piece of advice would be to get a pretty decent brush as oppose to the .99 jobs...the cheaper brushes will leave little bristles behind in your clear.
  2. You could try and scuff the area that you're painting...using a high grit sandpaper or a scotch bright pad. That should give the paint something to bite to and then if you're laying D2T over the paint, I would think you'd be golden. As far as the action concerns...I would agree with you that it wouldn't change the action too too much, but I'm a rookie with epoxy topcoats so what do I know...
  3. Think simple to begin with...alot of the color patterns you'll see on here (ie. bluegill, sunfish, perch, etc.) can be very enticing, but require some base knowledge in order to be successful. I made the mistake of jumping in over my head, trying to tackle too much too fast...messing up and repainting many plugs. My advice would be to start out with some two and three color patterns, using netting for scales...playing with layers of paint to achieve the colors that you want rather than laying it on heavy. Too much of anything too fast is usually a bad thing... ...just my 2 cents. David
  4. Not the greatest job in the world, but I don't think the fish will mind...lol. I'm just upset I lost access to an air compressor so I had to hand paint this plug, but it's a top water wake bait so I don't think it will matter. Anyway, thanks again to everyone who helped me out... David
  5. Yes, you can use a fine grit paper or I used a scotch bright pad and just lightly rubbed over it to apply the second coat. All you want to do is give the second coat something to bite into.
  6. Dabs applied...not the smoothest dab job per say, but it's good to be able to play with the epoxy and see how it works. Thanks to everyone for all of the help...ill post some pictures as soon as the bait is cured! David
  7. Ok...I had success in my first attempt at epoxy, BUT there are two spots to add a dab of epoxy. One pinhole towards the 'butt' of the plug and one little area near one of the eyes. Do spots the size of a pin need to be sanded and epoxied or can I just mix a tiny amount and dab the missed area? If a dab will work, do I need to wait until the first coating is fully cured the 24 hours or can I dab now, after 15 hours? Thanks again for all of the help guys!
  8. Can't thank everybody enough...huge help here! I'll post some pics of the finished product. (fingers crossed).
  9. Ok, I've got a plastic lucky craft plug that I've painted using water based paints (createx) and am going to epoxy for the first time. I used to use a spray on polyurethane acrylic of sorts...similar to an automotive clear coat, but am no longer able to do so. I need to figure out the best method of epoxy...I will be applying with a brush, with no drying wheel...hand turning it. I know this is not the perfered method, but it's my only option at the moment and I only have one plug to coat. I guess my questions are what type of bristle brush is best? What epoxy should I go with/dry time? Are there any tips on doing it this way? Thanks in advance for any help...it is more than appreciated!! David
  10. When fishing a jig the first thing to think about is a crayfish...where do they like to hang out, what do they like to eat and pick at, what time of day are they most active on the water that you're fishing. This will produce a "time of day" so to speak. As the fellows have said, jigs can be fished anywhere for the most part...it's just about finding the right time and place as with all lures. I believe there are around 500 different species of crayfish in North America...google search "your state crayfish" and you should find some links as to the native species in your state which will help with color selection of your jig skirts. The color of a crayfish depends upon their diet and their molting stages...juveniles usually molt (shed their shell) about once a week and they shift colors while doing this. I live in the southeast where most of the crayfish around here are a rusty brown sort of color. That's not to say that I can't go out with a black and blue jig and catch em, but it's a starting point. Rip rap is a great place to fish a jig...fall down, and flipping docks are great places to start as well. A good rule of thumb with a jig is to pay attention to water temp...hotter = heavy weight & usually faster, colder = lighter weight and slower. Go on youtube.com and search for crayfish, watch how they move and swim. A really good trailer for jigs are the NetBait Paca's...the size and kind of paca depends on the size of the jig, but all of them look really good on a jig. There are Paca Chunk's, Paca Craw's, Baby Paca Craw's...some are solid plastics and some are hollow and float up really nice on the end of your jig giving you a very good "defense stance". The "claws" give a good action moving through the water too! Jig fishing can be very distressing at first...feeling a bite in strong winds can sometimes cause you to want to throw your fishing equipment in the water and the fish will bite in different ways as well, but it can be one of the most fun ways to catch largemouth in my opinion once you get the hang of it. There is nothing like casting a jig over some rip rap or a rock bed and moving it along when all of the sudden you feel that notable thump, set the hook and the 6 or 7lber on the other end tugs back. Fishing a jig takes practice, practice, practice, and more practice...did I mention you need to practice? If you mostly fish out of a boat, you can find something elevated to stand on in the back yard and then tie on different size weights to pitch. I used to put metal coffee cans out about 15 feet or so, stand on a cinder block and try to pitch in it. This will help when fishing piers and fall down or bushes. Good luck!!
  11. I always do a little something different or off recipe, but here's the jist of it. Go to the gallery and search for 6 under "#", it's labeled "Third Attempt" because those baits were from my third session of painting those colors.
  12. Great story...her offspring should be a great breed of largemouth. RIP Dottie...
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