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bryanmc last won the day on January 14 2024

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    Lake Fork, Texas

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  1. It sounds crazy but a little MF maroon will do what you want.
  2. I have Del's 6" cut tail hand pour mold but I won't part with it.
  3. I can think of three in the Redding area... Mother's Finest (Arnold Fancelli), Rainbow Worms (Barry Ng), and MGM (John Coyle).
  4. Just checked, this link works for me... https://ultramolds.com/
  5. Pretty sure I remember California worms being in Red Bluff, south of Redding.
  6. I use loctite brush on super glue. I feel like it penetrates the thread wraps better and dries faster. I used nail polish a long tome ago but was never satisfies with the results.
  7. Interesting video. I don't think they need to be that long though. If you notice, the BT extender has a much smaller hole than 1/2" copper tubing. Mine are one coupler with just enough tubing sticking out to fit all the way into the injection port.
  8. You can also make your own with a piece of copper tubing and a copper union. Can't remember what size off the top of my head though.
  9. I had originally thought about doing it that way, but it would have required me to build (not my strong suit) or find a top plate and stirrer paddle that would stir without contacting the t-couple. I still think about doing it now and then so I wouldn't have to stop the motor to load an injector.
  10. My thinking was if you read off the hottest spot, the rest of the base might never get to temp or might take a long time. In the center of the pot you read more the plastic temp than element heat.
  11. Here's the original thread...
  12. I remember that post. For some reason I was thinking he mixed the sand with elmers glue, but I can't swear to it.
  13. That's what I do. You can get any weight (within reason) on any hook.
  14. The thermocouple I used looks like this picture. Imagine running a thin metal bar from corner to corner on the picture you supplied. You drill a hole in the center of the bar and the t-couple goes through the bar and the nose contacts the bottom of the pot in the location of the divot mentioned earlier. You can thread a nut on the thermocouple to adjust the depth and / or hold it in place as necessary.
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