Guess I'm going to have to invest in a candy thermometer. I really don't know what temp I'm working at, I've just been following the microwave instructions I found on here... 2 minutes then 30 seconds at a time until it passes through the thick stage and into the thin syrup almost water stage. On my reheats I just put it in for 30 seconds at a time until I get the consistency thin again. I did notice that on some of the better pours I could se a faint wisp of smoke or steam coming off the plastic as it entered the mold. It didn't smell bad and the color didn't change so I'm pretty sure I didn't burn it.
As far as color, it looks correct but the body is opaque not translucent (thanks for setting me straight on that). I'm using 18 drops of del's black / cup of plastic. I'm afraid if I use too much less I won't get the right color. I was just thinking, do you think it could be related to the thickness of the body? The 6 1/4 is quite a bit thicker than the 5 1/4 original.