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Everything posted by bryanmc

  1. Can you post a pic of the other half?
  2. Agree with slowfish, looks like a venting issue. Have you talked to whoever cut the mold?
  3. We always drilled them and threaded them for the pipe thread on the spout, then cut them flush with the inside of the pot after they were threaded in. A nut would get in the way of the stirrer.
  4. Did you actually call and talk to Jeff?
  5. What's the ratio of sprue to heads? Looks like there would be a lot of lead left in the mold. I think it's a cool setup, just a curiosity question.
  6. In the beginning (if I'm not mistaken) DO was repackaged bait plastics (polysol) and everyone loved it. I knew they changed suppliers but didn't know until recently it was to chemionics. I bought a few gallons of chemionics from Bear back in the day and liked it, but it seems they aren't as consistent anymore.
  7. There was a guy in the classifieds selling stirrers. If you know someone with a drill press getting a pot drilled and tapped for a spout takes about 5 minutes.
  8. Is it turning yellow on the initial heating or reheats?
  9. Bait Plastics manufacturers their own plastic, they're not a "repackager"... Maybe the numbers are durometer values.
  10. Call or email them and ask... They've always been very helpful.
  11. Patent it, copyright it and then license it to the big boys.
  12. I think you would still have the issue of one color blocking the other, but I've never actually tried what you're suggesting.
  13. There's something else you can do with them. I'd tell you but I don't wast to get a cease and desist from the folks at the Z place. LOL
  14. Have to disagree. It will do a side by side laminate with the dual injector one way but rotating the dual injector will cause one color to block the other. That's why molds that have to be cut with a side of the bait in each half of the mold (as opposed to top in one half and bottom in the other) that are meant for making laminates will have a port for each cavity.
  15. Try this guy... https://www.tackleunderground.com/classifieds/for-sale_25/presto-pot-mixer-r2136/
  16. There was a guy in the classifieds selling them. You may need to scroll down a bit to find him.
  17. I think 7 years is close to the record for a necro-post. LOL
  18. First thought is the nose of the bait is too far from the runner, the gate looks way too long. Might need some vents on the body as well.
  19. If it's a basstackle dual injector, you might try loosening the nuts at the top of the tubes a little...
  20. There are places you can cut corners to save money but injectors aren't one of them...
  21. Not only is it likely cheaper to buy one, it's most definitely safer.
  22. 360 is too hot for most glitter. After I initially cook my plastic to 350, I add my colorant and let the plastic cool to 320 - 330 before adding glitter. I also try to keep my reheats under 330 as well.
  23. Plastisol is really a personal preference kind of thing. You will find people tell you that (insert company here) is the best they ever used and (insert company here) is the worst they ever used.
  24. Contact baitmolds and ask.... Pretty sure they will do multiple cavities of any of their baits.
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