Now that`s home made right there........... One nice thing about the cork. You can spray it any color you like.
A tip of the hat for your presentation.
Whoa, I like that puppy! That`s an original for sure........... Green eyes, red slashes, white-ish /gray black scheme.
Put it all together and you have a winner.
Fist bump.
Thinking out side the box.............. Should of had one of those cigar cutters in the pic. If you didn`t have the stogy in your hand....................................LOL.
Nice work.
Shank wrap looks a little rough up by the eye area but maybe it`s supposed too. That aside, over all it has a rich look. Some time a little is all that`s needed .
Nice work.
Cool looking plastic. Has the bulk look. I`d have gone with a red hook though. J s/n.
Either way, that puppy would put them in the boat. Catch and release of course.
Big bait (hard to tell on that though) ..big bite. That puppy would be great for flipping. Color selection only adds to putting them in the boat. Catch and release of course.
Have not seem many if any with skirt, head and blades in that color. would like to try it in the pads in the St John`s river. No doubt I`d get hook-ups.