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Braided Line

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Everything posted by Braided Line

  1. Braided Line

    IMG 2277

    Looks like a lot of work went into that puppy. Take a bow...........
  2. Braided Line

    Smoked Croaker

    That big eye! Sells the whole package. Fist bump.
  3. Braided Line

    attempting realism

    " make them realistic as possible." Fist bump.
  4. There is something about multi colored paint schemes that set baits apart. Fist bump.
  5. Braided Line


    As you stated," you haven`t been painting long." To step outside the norm and "create" something through your paint scheme, that actually looks pretty good........is impressive.
  6. I`ll bet U-Tube has a tutorial on the subject . Audio and visual.
  7. Braided Line

    Sexy Shad Bucktail 001

    Hook size seems to be right on target. Shape and size wise. Red wrap ,cleanly done. Color transmission, smooth. The whole thing looks "fresh." For my eyes, It`s a keeper!
  8. Braided Line

    3rd Lure

    It`s clean. Colors flow. Red eye . Don`t see a lot of this type of color scheme. Would look good on other body types as well. J s/n. Hi-5.
  9. Instead of asking,. Be on the front line of the question. Try it.
  10. Braided Line

    First lure

    A clean looking lure. Keep cranking them out. Your only going to get better. Give yourself a Hi-5.
  11. Anything that catches my eye deserves a comment. "second lure attempt." Nice,clean looking lure. Your choices (colors) seem to jell nicely. Practice will only bring more complexity to your future offerings.
  12. Braided Line

    Sexy Shad Bladed Swim Jig

    I`ll just quote RayburnGuy!
  13. Braided Line

    ILC 1 baby bass

    Looks to me like you`ve got the correct body shape for your paint job. "Trying to learn how to paint." Just keep cranking them out. As they say, practice makes perfect.
  14. My fault. Didn`t think to look there. Thanks for the heads up!
  15. Who would have thought, a spot of blue. A red eye. Green that seems to fade into a creamy green , would look good? Me and you ..LOL.
  16. To me, this is a simple paint job but it has all the elements needed to give this lure the finished look. Sometime, a little is just right.
  17. Braided Line

    Black dots

    Different paint scheme. Gets you looking. Your work is showing itself well.
  18. This is really cool ! I was never a fan of that type of eye but your paint scheme really makes it merge ,almost disappear in the paint job. Fist bump!
  19. I like colors....so you know I like your work.
  20. I have never gotten any type of notification . Period.
  21. Braided Line


    What really makes this paint job work is no one color over powers another. IMO
  22. Braided Line

    Ghost Shad

    Now that is different! A comment. The existing eye kind of fades into the body. You used the word "ghost:" If that was your concept ..fine. No disrespect intended. One with a little more attraction power would be my preference. A little bolder. Some colors would still stay with in the "ghost" concept. Nice concept none the less.
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