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Braided Line

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Everything posted by Braided Line

  1. Braided Line

    going crazy

    I like the tone of the paint-job.
  2. Braided line is the only line(IMO) for fishing weeds of any kind. I flip a lot of pad/hydrilla fields, along the egde and way back in and with out the strength of braided controlling bass (no muskies in Fl) would be more problem then results. Plus one major feature is Braided line has no stretch. The need to controll a fish is "right now" in this type of situation. Get his/her head up and your half way home. Some parts of the country may not have these types of conditions to contend with so mono may be somebodies first choice. Different strokes for different folks. One other "major" feature about braid is it will "cut" through pad stems like a hot knife through butter! Mono ? I don`t think so. Just my $.02.
  3. "Looks" like a copy of an old guard bait. Those are long gone but your offering is nicely done. Plus, it re-lives baits from yester-year. Good looking bait.
  4. Braided Line

    What if ???

    Now that`s thinking out side the box! Certainly not one of the "usual" body designs. Plus, the way the colors merge together is smooth.
  5. Now that`s a nifty looking little bait and the "paint job" does it justice as well.
  6. Braided Line

    "Jerkbait Prototypes"

    I`ll say one thing Diemai, your shapes and colors are distinctive.
  7. Looks like you are on the correct path as this one caught my eye. Course I like green in about any shade. If it were me, I might add a tad of orange on the bottom. Nice "paint-job" non the less.
  8. There`s something about the "eye" area. Plus the color scheme/scale design go hand and glove. Nice work.
  9. Now there`s a great idea! The TU gathering that is.
  10. Luckly I don`t have that problem but good luck to you.
  11. Off All the baits you`ve presented..... this one is the most interesting, IMO.
  12. Braided Line

    Cave Dweller

    Almost missed this puppy. what a nifty looking little bait. Forget those fish with all them teeth, bass would crush that thing! Well done.
  13. That puppy just looks like a fish-catcher! Color scheme is great.
  14. Braided Line


    Color scheme is different. Sorry about the items below. Don`t know what happened. Just cleared them off as they all said the same thing as this one. My apologies.
  15. Pete: You should never roll a fat one then paint.....anything. Enjoy what ever it is your going to do.
  16. Braided Line

    Reverse Pearl

    It`s all about the color scheme. Plus, I like anything with green in it.
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