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About BlazerSC

  • Birthday 12/13/1960

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. OK I will take them payment sent to jfigueira@rogers.com, Thanks.
  2. They are like the power worms and yes 65.00 for the three

    If you want them send a payment to jfigueira@rogers.com



  3. Is the 10" Dels worm the curl tail?
  4. I have both I use Dels mainly for shakey head it's a little thinner and use LC trick worm for TRig & CRig it's thicker. Dels finesse worm is better than the original in my opinion for either tactic.
  5. I am with Bear I use Calhoun Soft with no additive just color and glitter.
  6. Mike, Made the first pours with the runners yesterday and they worked great thanks for the deal and the help. Merry CHRISTmas!!! BlazerSC
  7. Thanks Mike I got the runners in and they look great. Merry CHRISTmas!!!!! BlazerSC
  8. BlazerSC


    I know what you are saying Vodkaman, the first thing the wife and I purchased as a couple was the microwave I am using now in the garage for cooking my plastic it still works great and in January it will be 25 years old. Kelly is correct, the older I get the more of my friends have "WIVES" and I see the frustration one is all I can handle.
  9. Brian is definately correct I think this is an addiction and it costs you money and time just like any addiction I looked at the Orders History link the other day Ouch!! but you should see the 10" Blackberry worms I did the other night and there is nothing like catching bass on a bait you made what a blast. Hey guys maybe we need a support group.
  10. I'm kinda sorry I started this but Del did make a good point. I was the guy that posted on the Del-mart Forum about using so much color to get the color right and was asked if I was shaking up the color and of course I was. Del told me to put a couple 1/4-20 nuts in the bottle and shake it up and right away I'm using less than half the amount of color I was using. See those are the kind of tips I am looking for on these forums not product wars.
  11. Thanks Del, I mixed the 2 jugs and made two batches and the baits are the same I'm just trying to learn all I can. Just wanted to tell you the Del-Mart Pumpkin color is awesome!!!
  12. Sorry guys I don't think I explained that properly, it's not the jug its the plastic inside that has separated. When I shake it up it looks just like the other jug all white. I have seen NO difference in the baits at all I was just wondering why this one separated and the other had not. I am not complaining I am inexperienced with this stuff and just looking to gain knowledge. This pouring has made my fishing alot more fun. I was thinking of mixing the 2 jugs like you do with paint to keep the consistancy in my baits is this a good or bad idea?
  13. I just recently got my second gallon of Calhoun 1207 soft plastic and after setting on the bench a few days it looks like a jug of two part epoxy. The top 1/3 to 1/2 is a yellow color and the bottom is white is this normal? I only ask because my first gallon never did this after over a month it has always been solid white. What could be the difference in the two jugs of plastic? Thanks
  14. BlazerSC

    LC Super Fluke Mold

    Very nice!!! I just ordered the 5.5 inch fluke mold from Lc #5x425 is that the same one you used? Congrats Great Bait!!!
  15. DaveH, That is exactly my process with Del's Garlic I knew I should have closed those garage doors. Smell definatley stays in for a long time but I am going to order some scents from Upper Hand to try out.
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