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About Jigfish

  • Birthday 02/19/1971

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Does anyone know if the paycheck baits punch skirt is made out of an skirt umbrella? Thank Jef
  2. Jigfish

    Some Arkie Jigs

    where can i purchase these jigs? thanks Jef
  3. Jigfish

    Some Arkie Jigs

    can you poor them with the flat eye ewg hooks, also do you sell them?
  4. yeah, i tried those they work but still smear off! thanks
  5. they work, just not real smooth.
  6. I am sure they would but they don't offer colors i would like? thanks!
  7. anyone have a good marker that will stick to the plastic on spro bronzeye frogs?
  8. O.k. i know i will probably get scolded, but i want some different views! who in sam hell has ever seen eyes on the tail of a crawdad? fine for swim'in a jig, but pitch'in or flip'in or deep water aren't you trying to imitate a crawdad? just my preference but i will not buy jigs with eyes unless it's a swimming one! there is alot on the market (no name) that i would like to buy but just won't for this fact! thanks Jef be cool! just a thought!
  9. yeah i saw that, it should fit if no i'll make it fit! i thought maybe someone would release their hook to the market like jewel or booya has in their football jigs. thanks rr316
  10. Does anyone know of any other manufactures of 45 degree and 60 degree flat eye jig hooks other than gamy and mustad? thanks Jef
  11. Hey, thanks Man i know haow the show is when it was in pittsburgh,pa i dropped about a grand on the deals of things i like to use, and the daiwa guys took care of my wants!
  12. Hi, carolinamike did you get any pics of the neww stuff coming out? Jef
  13. Hey Guys, if you are worried about the expasion on softer rubber collars there is very little room for adjustment. i have broken a couple but not all will break, and besides for as little as th collar cost who cares. Thanks Jef
  14. i don't know if i am to late to reply, but this is the easiest skirt tool on the market,bar none! Naked Bait Co. Skirt Expander
  15. Hey, thanks for the info! Jef
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