Want to try using some glitter nail polish on some baits and wondering which way is best. After painting the lure, put on the nail polish, let dry and dip in KBS or After painting dip in KBS, let dry, put on nail polish, let dry and dip in KBS again?
Want to know if screw eyes will work in balsa woos. Don't want to use through wire. I'm thinking if I put the screw eyes in first, then seal the body, paint etc. that will help hold them in the soft wood? Anyone have expierence with this? Thanks in advance.
The fact is that most people are dumb! If they hear something enough times they will take it for fact. This is how PETA, Humane Society and other organizations make money. Take a small cute animal, puppy or cat and tell the world how your going to save these animals and people will send you money without knowing if your doing anything or just putting the money in your bank account!
I use the plastic storage boxes you can get at Wal-mart or Menards. Have 18 different catagories. Big swim baits, small swim baits, large worms, small worms, crappie stinger tail, crappie boottail, etc.
Mark, If you coat the bills; how do you keep the line tie clean? I dip mine like you do, when the dripping stops; I walk outside in the sunlite and turn by hand for about two minutes; them put on a lure turner for a hour; then hang the bait up.
Everything that, reqiires shadeing is hard for me! I'm color blind to shades (can't pass a color dot test). That being said; I'm finding it's better to use transparent colors than opaque. Well, try, try, try again.