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Everything posted by MuskyGary

  1. Thanks for the information. I didn't know if the epoxy would be strong enough to hold the lip in; since the line tie will be on the lexan lip. Will give it a try!
  2. When miking a deep diving plug with the line tie on the lexin lip, how do you fasten it? Just with glue and Two tTon expsey? or do you lock it in some other way. Seems like a lot of pressure on the lip when your fighting a fish. I'm wondering if it will pull out in time?
  3. A lot has to do with fish activity. Is a school up and feeding or are they "cold front fish". I've caught fish on a slim tail worm (with no action) and I've caught them on a paddle tail with lots of vivration. It's what makes fishing fun- everything can change; just when you think you got it figured out. Oh well back to working on a hot new color.
  4. On that drug boat; could you imanage trying to cross the Canadian border with that? They would have you pulled over for twelve hours!
  5. Lowe's and I think Home Depot has it.
  6. Thanks, I found the pictures in the Gallery. The bait I want to make is walleye size, but that gives me some ideas.
  7. Has anyone made a bait like the Storm Wildeye Shiner? The front half could be made from wood and the back half cast from a plastic mold. I've been thinking about that bait because it doesn't have great movement and I don't like their color selection. Making the front end out of wood should give it a good wiggle and the back half out of soft plastic would also help movement. What do you guys think?
  8. I like a lot of chartruse for walleye baits. Gold, silver for bass baits.
  9. Just a quick question. Can you pour glitter in your molds and then pour plastic on top of it? Would only have glitter in the top of bait; right?
  10. Great looking bait with super colors, That will catch some fish. On your fins- is that done with a stencil?
  11. You could also put a small screw eye into the bait and attach the screw wire to it; then put the plastic on the other end. This would let the plastic flop and move around.
  12. Fishing now has a new purpose. It's not weather you can catch fish, but will the new baits work; and how can I improve on them? Sometimes its a hard decision: should I go fishing today or make baits? But through all the agony and excafty its a great hobby! Welcome, MuskyGary
  13. Sorry, Im not set up to put pictures on the internet. Look up ants in any fly patterns.
  14. For the bead next to the clevis you need metal. Lets the clevis spin easier and won't wear out. The rest of the beads doesn't matter what type they are.
  15. Try Living Rubber Company, Living Rubber & Silicone skirting material
  16. The big problem is a job! Got to have income. When you go down there start looking for employment now. If you can find a decent job everything else will work out.
  17. If your fishing smallmouth some type of natural crawfish with eith orange or red belly. Some days orange works other days red tears them up. If a lake has shad that's a deadly color, but there must be at least twenty colorations of shads. Almost a different color combination for each lake. I have seen one color of shad lure work in the morning and another work best in the afternoon.
  18. A simple pattern to tie that will catch just about anything is a thread ant. Use a size#14 hook; make a rear ball out of thread followed by two turns of hackle and a front ball of thread. Simple to make and catches fish!
  19. I know the reason for through wire construction is from the idea that screw eyes will pull out of lures. Has anyone ever had a screw eye pull out of a lure? I have never heard of a exposy screw eye pulling out. For me using screw eyes in hardwood is quicker and easier to work with.
  20. MuskyGary


    Ya, your all right! Until some guy wins a tournment on a pink bait! Then watch everyone head for the local tackle shop!! (Got to try pink baits)
  21. I like to buy them on E-bay for the purpose of repainting. Good practice and a cheap way of doing it without having to make the plug.
  22. You could e-mail them and ask. It probably would take a 3/0. Most of the high price vises are for tying small flies down to 20. Big hooks usually work good in the cheap vises.
  23. I buy everything mailorder. Pick up a copy of a good magazine like "Flyfishing and Tying Journal. Lots of on line stores listed. Some I have bought from WWW.Anglersworkshop.com (Master Vise $25.65) THE FLY SHOP and JS Fly Fishing: Rod Building Supplies, Fly Tying Materials. There are lots of others. Always looking for new materials and ideas.
  24. Jann's Netcraft has a soft plastic melting pot in its 2008 catalog. (page 44) Has any one used it? My wife won't let me use our microwave. So its either buy another microwave or try this melting pot for the garage. Thanks, Gary
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