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Everything posted by MuskyGary

  1. Depends if I want dark scale outlines or light outlines. Usually white, gold or a shade of black. (createx)
  2. You can use it by itself or mix it with fur, bucktail, rubber or anything you want. Best places to buy it is from fly tying shops. It comes in several types and all colors of the rainbow!
  3. I make Musky spinners and therefore I have to use rubber material as that is all I can get in a roll. I need skirts about nine inches long and all the silicone skirts are from three to five inches long. (to short for me) If you are making bass baits the silicone comes in more colors and patterns. Both have good movement and will work. I can get 7" starflash skirts but they are expensive. $20.84 for 20 skirts.
  4. Roland Martin is another one. Develped a marine and resort on the big O. Couldn't cut it in bass fishing anymore and went to the red fish circut. Bill Dance and Jimmey Houston are nice guys. Roland can be a p---k. Had a freind fishing the big o; got lost. Here comes a bass boat, my friend flagged him down. It was roland, my friend said I'm turned around which way back to the landing? Roland said, "boy get yourself a compass" and took off whithout another word!
  5. I can understand why all you vikqueens fans argue about Farve. After all you still don't have a quarterback! do you?
  6. In Barlow's 2008 catalog there is a crankbait lip #410401 that closely resembles the one on the lure. I can't find anything close to the back fin though. Not sure if its necessary; would have to expermint with the new lure. (But isn't that what we all do?)
  7. Yes, In fact you could make them with two or three different type of flippers so you have different types of action.
  8. Just a idea for those of us who only pour for urself. Make the beaver without the side flippers. Then in a home made mold make flippers. Then attach them with a worm welder!! I think it would work but to time comsumming for those who make thousands.
  9. Of course the real way to do it is to make your own!! Make a pattern of a existing body and cut out some wood patterns of the same size and thickness. Then shop around for the metal hardware and presto a unlimited supply!! Probably could sell all you wanted to on the side also.
  10. Oscar, Great job!! Can I ask what type of paint you use? Createx?
  11. Jann's Netcraft uses a injector and injection molds. (Page 43 2008 catalog). Never tried it I heard that the injector would leak but don't know first hand.
  12. Could someone explain how you hold a funnel over your mold and pour from two cups at the same time?:nuhuh:Must have three hands!!
  13. Ah! So that's your guys secret. Sleep at a Holiday Inn all night and make good baits all day!! Great reply.
  14. Is there a table some where that gives the proper eye size for the different sizes (length) baits? Thanks in advance for any info.
  15. My understanding (although I'm probably wrong) is that both paints are made by the same company. Both paints are water based. Createx is better for fabric and wood. Auto Air is better for metal and plastic? What about it guys?
  16. Has anyone used a pancake compressor for airbrushing? (like the Bostitch?) They are priced cheaper than airbrush compressors;and are a little larger. Could be a good deal?
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