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Everything posted by MuskyGary

  1. Thanks Smalljaw, I think that will work! Don't know how I missed it. I did check before I posted this. Knew someone would have something.
  2. MuskyGary


    The spinnerbait wire can be bought precut (six inches is popular) with a loop ready made on one end. The wire for making skirts is because the rubber bands that they use for skirts will break in time. The places that smalljaw suggested are all good places to buy supplies.
  3. I need a jig hook to replace the 570 which is longer. The only thing I can find is the 574. Oh yes it needs to be a lite wire hook to fit in the football mold
  4. Do-it has a great new kit (Custombaits.com) You get 1 qt. essential plastic, 4 bottles of colorant, 2 bottles of glitter, 1 med. injector with extra nozzle and 25 bait bags all for $78. No molds included. Check it out.
  5. Dingerbaits.com has a DCB s7, which is similar to a shad rap #7. I have some painted up, but haven't got to use them yet.
  6. The Eclipse comes with a .35 needle, you can get a .5 replacement needle from Chicago Airbrush. Makes painting a whole lot easier. The .35 has a tendency to clog up with some of the paints.
  7. Most of us use clear plastic. Heat your plastic up, dip your painted bait, let plastic drip off nose; maybe rub drip off on side of plastic jar and drop in water; which cools and hardens the plastic quickly. I spike it does have a special plastic for this, but any kind will work.
  8. Another vote for Do-it's Thump Grub and small ring-it worm. Both good baits for walleye.
  9. The thing that makes the rage tail baits really move is that ridge along the tail or claw. I've been thinking about taking a dremel and cutting a ridge into a couple of my crawfish molds and seeing if it gives the claws more action. Think it will work? Has anyone tried this?
  10. Also for keeping the coil paint free (can also do this with a crane swivel) use the tap method of painting the jig head.
  11. The mold is made by Angling A.I. and carried by Lurecraft.
  12. OK, CNC machine! All I know is it makes molds! LOL
  13. Lurecraft has a CDC machine and is now cutting their own molds.
  14. I love it! It's free, so why not sign up? Love all the color patterns that help give you ideas.
  15. The baits I paint look like crap compared to the professional bait painting a lot of guys does, but simple paint jobs catch fish. The best wiggle wart pattern I have is a flo. green bottom and Sienna brown sides and top. No eyes. Likewise a pearl white shad rap (I do put eyes on it) catches a lot of fish for me. So what ever you like; paint on; it's a great hobby!
  16. Now I know you have five different dual injectors. Could you shoot the same bait with each injector (dark top and white belly) and post on your web page so we could see the difference?
  17. Now I know you have five different sizes of dual injectors. Would it be possible to shoot a bait with all five injectors with a dark top and a lite belly, on your webpage so we can see the difference?
  18. Wait! What was her reply?
  19. Now that sounds good! I might just look into Krylon or Rustolem to see what they got in the way of sealers.
  20. Great, maybe I need to wait for it to warm up before I start on wood baits. I still have a bunch of plastic baits I can paint.
  21. Solarez needs to be used outside (because of the smell) and I'm looking for something I can use in my basement. Thinking concrete sealer will have less smell and I can dip and hang the baits. My solarez baits that I use it as a top coat I put on a lure turner for about a hour.
  22. Thanks, I'm going to try some of the concrete sealer.
  23. I just need something to seal the wood before painting. I use Solarez as a top coat. I would prefer to use a wood sealer that I could dip, dry and sand to get ready to paint. Any sugestions?
  24. I am thinking about using a water base polyurethane for a wood sealer on some wood surface baits I'm making. I use Createx water color paint and was told it could react with a oil base poly? Any comments? I don't like to use Exposys. I have been using plastic blanks up to now so I didn't need a sealer.
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