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Everything posted by daveh

  1. bears baits and delmart has them and hand injectors to fit them. they work great
  2. all around drop shot bait is a 4 1/2in full round trick or diamond tail worm. sell 1000`s of them for drop shotting. guess you can`t beat a 6in lizzard for c-rig.
  3. heres some baits from the new plastic. i works great. even a roookie should be able to pour this stuff. got a problem with bears products just call him and he will take care of it.
  4. just odered some. should be here in a couple of days and i will cook some up and let you know.
  5. looking good coosa. you swim one yet. i should have mine monday.
  6. i have bears 2in curl tail injection mold and love it. i caught 30 crappies on them yesterday. waiting for del to get the 2 color one done so i can do the tails a differant color. i do make to color ones with bears. shoot one color then cut the tails off put back in mold then shoot the body. can`t buy a store bought one that look as good as mine. lol and they catch fish.
  7. i knew bear was joking just like i was joking about pins and wing nuts. the day i posted it i lost a pin under my work bench and its still missing. i buy molds from bear baits bobs, basstackle and a whole bunch from del. so i was kidding. i will still buy from each of them.. also i buy a bunch of rtv molds from lc.
  8. now if they would follow your hinged molds. no more pins and wing nuts to loose. lol
  9. to many molds and not enough money. lol man with all these molds i never have to go and buy that junk at the wally worlds.
  10. i melted a few 100 store bought junk worms before i started buying the good plastic. it works but can smoke and smell a bit. try it yiu won`t be out much. i melted down a bag of zooms watermelon candy. took my time and the color did change. i sold all my store bought junk and now only use the good stuff.
  11. yes i use it in smoke buzzfrogs
  12. theres no dought you could make a bunch with little plastic. good luck
  13. i was thinking about trying to make crappie tubes but i pour so much stuff now i just went to lure craft. they have crappie tubes for 3 bucks for 50 and about every color you want. solved my problem and can concentrate on making 2 in crul tales.
  14. i like that. how does it work moving it from mold to mold.
  15. i looked on there web site. looks like watermelon on the top with green flake an the bottom looks like black or purple with a bunch of purple flake. hard to tell on yhe bottom.
  16. nice lights. i will be giving you a call. how do they mount to the boat.
  17. i use a heaping table spoon for 4oz
  18. i buy mine fro lc. do a search and you should come up with a bunch of places, dave i did a search for bags http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/18530-who-has-the-best-price-on-bags/page__hl__bags__fromsearch__1
  19. could be more that i look at it
  21. color wheel is no help. whose bait is it. what color is it called. looks like motor oil. 20 to 25 drops of dels or bears motoroil with a lot of small green flake. and a chartuse tail.
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