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Everything posted by daveh

  1. i use LC coffee scent. i put it in the bag of finished lures. its very strong and smells great. i cooked it in one time and ran everyone out of the house.
  2. i buy all my skirts from fishiskirts,com. they have bulk prices.
  3. i cover my work area with the brown paper towel like we had in school. i buy a case at a time from a friend. its cheap and one roll last forever. when its covered with plastic i wad up and throw out and replace. works great and stays put when you lay it out.
  4. can you still sell the baits and call it a woodcock. do they just have the pataint on the name. i see dell took his split tails off his site.
  5. i use lc hardener with lc 502. i use about a cap to 4 oz when making flukes or frogs. with the soft i would use at least 2 or 3 caps with 4oz. make sure you mix the hardener real good. if its to hard melt and add a little more plastic.
  6. you want to pour in a warm mold. i heat my molds before i pour. cold molds make for hard pouring on some baits. plus you have to make sure its completey dry. water and hot plastic does not mix.
  7. is the what your looking for http://www.lurecraft.com/catalog.cfm/molds/plastic-molds/creature-molds/5x857:1951
  8. daveh


    the ports on jacobs molds are about the size of a straw you get in school for your milk. he said his molds would fit most hand injectors. he was very mileading. i like the baits his molds make for crappie fishing. would by i few more if the ports were bigger,
  9. daveh


    i contacted jacob and he said his molds are made to fit janscraft injectors. i have never used one but i heard they are not to safe.
  10. daveh


    tyler tell him he is misrepresenting his molds saying they will fit most injectors on the market. never seen one that small. with that being said they are top notch made molds.
  11. daveh


    yea i was disappointed with the mold. he said the injectors on the market would fit his molds. well my bears injector does not fit. i did use mine and it works but wish the port was bigger.
  12. daveh


    i use dels garlic and have for years. after i cook the plastic i put it in and also add some to the bag. the only scent i do not cook in is the coffee scent from lc. i was making baits a 3 in the morning put the coffee scent in and woke the whole house up, man its strong. i now only add it in the bag after the baits are done. its good stuff.
  13. i use 502 with that recipe. its fine. i also use calhoun softener with the 602
  14. daveh


    just googled jacobs baits and found a ebay store. just ordered a crappie bait hand injected mold. hmmmmm so there are other people out there.
  15. daveh


    well i have over 100 hand pour molds and see no need to hand inject them. i was just stating what i read about hand pour molds. i have not tryed to inject a hand pour mold and most likely never will. but seems like it would be safer to have a nozzle that fits into the mold but hey thats just me. i have injector molds also and they work great but i have only seen hand injected molds on dels and bears site so maybe i am wrong won`t be the first time. just go a hand inject tube mold from bear and it is sweet.
  16. i just made a video and put it on dels site. its called getting started. just shows you the basic stuff to get started. micro wave and a couple of pirex cups a few molds plastic an colorant will get you there. check it out
  17. daveh


    only if the molds are made for hand injectors. bear makes hand injection molds and del does also. i do not think bob sells them. i think i read you can have a nozzle made to fit hand pours but you may have to vent a hand pour mold for injectors.
  18. dels motor oil is great
  19. i pour a lot of lams flukes and you have to pour both colors in each cavitiy at one time in aluminum molds. i tryed pouring 3 bellies then pour the backs and they seperated. i now pour the belly then the back on each cavity. i heated the molds also and i think with aluminum molds the plastic just sets up to fast. thats the way i do it.
  20. i bought 3 of these molds. this guy knows what he`s doing. some of the best rtv molds i have seen.
  21. great job good lookin baits
  22. guess it would. i take a drill bit smaller than the rattle then by hand drill it in the worm then stick the rattle in. works great
  23. yes just have good ventilation. you can also add new plastic to them when remelting. try it don`t cost anything. may also add a little stabilizer. or sell them on ebay.
  24. glitter in craft store will not take the heat. i buy from del, lc ,.barlows and bear
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