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Everything posted by daveh

  1. thats good advice jim. i like my molds close to my eye also. i pour 100`s of flukes for tourny guys and it can be done. pour slow and move fast.lol
  2. i started out melting down store bought baits then bought a quart of lc 502 and that was not enough. buy at least a gallon of a med plastic and that will work great on trailers. good luck and its not as hard as some think.
  3. got my crazee craw molds and injector. took a couple time but i got it down made 16 baits and they look great. got to wear gloves because the tip of the injector gets real hot, pretty easy and will order some more molds.
  4. yes thats the one, bears 2 color injector
  5. looks like black on top and smoke on the bottom blue flake
  6. just ordered 2 and a 2 color injector. this will be my first injection try.
  7. lc no longer makes them
  8. buy some calhoun softerner. add a 1/2 cap to 4oz. should work.
  9. i use lc med plastic on dels 2 piece 6in trick. the thing i found out about making tricks is getting them to fall and have the same action as zooms. i use to use no salt on my tricks wacky style and they took for ever to sink. i then had trick worm races in a bucket. i took a zoom worm and my worm and sank them togeather in the bucket. zoom would fall much faster to my saltless one. i started adding salt to mine till i got them to sink at the same rate. i also add a half cape of calhon softerner to them. it ended up being 20 dashes of salt in 4oz. thats using lc measuring spoons. i know this is coping someones bait but till i did this with the salt i was not catching as many fish. i tear the bass up with this bait. you can also use a jig head to get them to sink if you do not use salt.
  10. i have just about evry size fluke mold del makes. the small ones do take time to learn. pour the tail first. what size mold is it. i have some videos on dels site pouring them.
  11. i could care less if anyone copys a bait. i use all of my own hand poured baits. some copys some not that i can see. copy or not i love pouring my own. i have some rage tail craw molds. there copys but hold up 10 to one on the store bought baits. i do not have the time to invent my own bait. and i say most baits on thr market are copys of each others or dang close. how much can you change a buzz frog or worm. even the guys that say there differant than others are not true. look at at your baits then compare them with big brand names. not much differance.
  12. lurecraft use to make that mold but had to remove it because of lure infringment. i have one a one piece and it makes a perfect rage tail shad.
  13. the worst baits i have remelted are zoom. they think highly of salt. i remelt my hand pours all the time but no longer remelt store bought baits. but thats how i learned to pour and it does work.
  14. i remelted a bag of 100 6in worms and made a bunch of 7in crul tails. stunk but it worked and still catching fish on them.
  15. i live in cheviot,oh right outside cincy. i mainly fish for bass in indiana. i have heard that sauger and strippers being caught on the ohio. the indiana side. you can put in at tanners creek. also go to a site called indiana info. theres guys on there that may help.
  16. where are they located in ohio.
  17. hey dak i will take the big chunck mold. pm sent
  18. Larry Dahlberg's Hunt for Big Fish
  19. daveh

    Worm oil?

    the way i use it is squirt a little on the side of the worm bags so the baits go in easier. the baits look good but it soaks in the baits so the efect of the stuff wears off. and if you use salt it soaks in the baits real quick. i always have some on hand. scent also gives the same effect.
  20. new formula lc watermelon 8oz plastic 14 drops new formula wm 4 mf wtermelon brown. red flake black.flake was fishing friday got on the lake at 3am threw every color under the sun no bites. put my 10in curl tail on i made with watermelon red made from lc new formula wm and ended up with 7 bass the biggest 4 1/2 lbs. and my buddy caught 4 and lost a biggin. the first bite was at 10am and the last was 12;30 and it was 90 degrees.. its a good lookin watermelon red.
  21. daveh

    Adding scent?

    after your plastic is melted pour some in, oil based only. if you like garlic del has the best. also put some in the bag.
  22. call kim at lc. she will be glad to help and will also send you a sample.
  23. you did not heat it enough. should take 3min for 8oz maybe 4min. do the 2min then stir then do it for another min. stir should be better. i have a video on here you might want to watch.
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