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Everything posted by daveh

  1. if your going to pour stiks maybe softener. glove. yes shake the plastic real good. if you ever use lc plastic its good to scrap the bottom with somthing and shake well. as you start pouring you will find out you don`t have enough molds or plastic.lol
  2. daveh

    flat tails

    bear i think jim was talking about the devided pot. i will need a motor. thanks for the info jsc. i will have to find a nozzle.
  3. daveh

    flat tails

    got to get off my backside and get that pot working. got some big orders and would like to cut some time off the jobs.
  4. i have the med and large. my first post i said small ment med:whistle:
  5. daveh

    flat tails

    jim i may also buy a motor from bear. the flat tail mold is real thin right before the tail and not sure how it would pour such a small stream of plastic. i had to order another mold because the guy wants a bunch of these. i got it down with the 2 cups but need to start with the pot.
  6. daveh

    flat tails

    yea al just black jim i am using 2 small pirex cup. have a presto pot with no motor:drool: i dont think i could pour fast enough with a pot on a 2 color pour.
  7. daveh

    flat tails

    got to pour a bunch of these for a guy. thought they looked good so i posted a photo. photos not to good but they do look good if i say so myself. lol
  8. small just under 2 3/4in large just under 3 3/4in
  9. this is a delmart 2 peice 2 cavity mold. pours great. only use a couple of times. 10 in curl tail thanks dave h
  10. if you want them to fish and sink like zoom tricks i add 22 dashes of salt per 8 oz. for shaky head and texas rig i add no salt. i use lc regular plastic.
  11. well looks like i may have to buy one.
  12. what kid of baits you use now. drop shot shakey head texas rig. lurecraft has some nice one piece molds that are inexpensive. then del-mart also has 1 and 2 piece molds.
  13. Happy New Years to everyone:tipsy:
  14. there are guys on here that use them. i just eyeball my plastic.
  15. jim i use lc hardener. when i first used it i had the globs from not stirring it enough. i add a cap full to 4 oz of plastic. i put the hardener in first then add the plastic. that way you can feel it on the bottom of the cup. scrap it of the bottom with your stirrer till you don`t feel anymore then stir real good. a friend of mine gave me a battery operated mixer. its not real big or powerfull and works great mixing in the hardener. i still put it in first so its on the bottm of the cup and then use the mixer. i found out its better to put it in first then add the plastic. that way you can scrap it off the bottom of the cup and mix it in real good.
  16. i would start with the med plastic. order a small bottle of softner you can add for the dropshot worms. one cap per 4oz is good on the softner. med plastic is perfict for worms.
  17. nice job. may have to try and make a mold.
  18. i use a little battery hand mixer to mix the hardner in the plastic. you have to mix it real good or it will glob up.
  19. if you cook it in it will last as long as you have the bait.
  20. daveh


    i would use the med plastic. it will hold up better pitching in thick cover. but you can experiment and try both.
  21. i use lc plastic and it floats off the bottom. even my 10 full round trick worms float off the bottom. i guess thats why they catch fish. great action.
  22. i put it in after i cook the plastic. i use an i dropper full per 1/2 cup then i add a half eye dropper in the bag of baits. never noticed any ill effects. i also read on here that garlic may turn white and off color. i manly use pure anise oil. my customers love it and so do i.
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