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Everything posted by daveh

  1. going to take a break of pouring baits. going to try and make some crank baits. and bunny hunt every weekend till feb 31. heres a clip of early season firet bunnys with a hand gun.
  2. i did the 2 color bait in a one piece mold. the head on the green fluke is a modified scrounger head. the scrounger head gives the fluke a back and fourth motion like it is swimimng. arron martins brought the scrounger head back. i think its been around for awhile. i will post a link. i also add a cap full of LC hardener to 4oz of plastic for flukes. makes them run better on the scrounger. the hook rides up http://www.basstackledepot.com/aaronmartensscrounger.aspx
  3. here`s a slide show of some baits i made and a few of the bass i caught and friends caught on them this year. also thanks for all the info and thanks to del and april,bobs tackle and lurecraft for getting me addicted to this. lol
  4. nice. i like the fatter worms on a one piece. does he have a website.
  5. i use both and catch fish with both. 2 ppart molds are easier to pour just remember to top off. most one peice molds are pretty easy but molds like lizzard brush hogs flukes and any molds with small legs or tails can be tuff till you get the hang of it. start with a one piece worm not to hard.
  6. i looked at it on a website. looked like smoke color with black flake http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/descpageSFJZOOM-ZSF.html#
  7. yea lets see some pics. hey i see your location says manson. is this manson ohio. you have some great info. thanks
  8. daveh

    help needed

    thanks for the replys. i had a family matter to deal with last night and was not able to get back on or i would have contacted some of you. i did talk to the guy and he got me an address where he is staying so i will be able to ship him the rest of the baits. thanks again you guys are great and if you ever need any help with anything let me know. hey buckeye baits i have used your baits before,nice. got them down afields from harold.
  9. daveh


    hey bhorling, i sent out those droppers to you yeaterday. i use one dropper full of anise and the same with dels garlic with 1/2 cup. you won`t burn out dels garlic. its really concentrated. i like my own personal baits strong so i do 2 droppers full. then add to the finished baits.
  10. anyone around the cincinnati area pour there own plastic. i ordered a case of plastic from LC last weekend. still not here. didn`t think of calling them because they have the best customer sirvice out there. ran out of plastic last night and need to finish a big order by fri night for a local pro going south for a tourney. called LC thhis morning and they sent it to the wrong place.going to be here tommorrow. if any one around here has a gallon of 502 or dels plastic and would like to sell it let me know. i could use it today. i could pay you back when mine comes in. i know its a long shot but hate to let this guy down. thanks
  11. i will take 3 of the 596. swimming chunck daveh.and one 483 i have paypal
  12. i will take the dropshot molds. i have paypal. thanks dave h
  13. hey patrick i will take the dropshot molds. i have paypal. dave huebner

  14. daveh


    if you like garlic dels is great. all the people i sell to love it. its highly concentrated.. the anise i use i buy off the web. if you do a search for anise on tu you will find the site i use. can`t think of it right know.
  15. real nice bass. great job:popcorn:
  16. no that wasn`t the guy but if he needs some baits i be glad to help.
  17. a guy out west came in 5th using my 4 1/2in trick worms. i make them real soft and he was using them dropshoting, said he was using yamamoto and catching short fish. he decided to try my worms and started to catch keepers. he said he wished he would have used them earlier. check out the photos on my site. he is the guy holding the smallmouth. will be adding more photos of fish caught on my hand pours. its cool to know something i made in the basement outfished the over priced stoe bought baits.
  18. you can try 1part bleach 10 parts water or go to your local hardware store and get some mold killer.
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