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Everything posted by daveh

  1. You guys adding salt.How dare you.lol I use salt in most baits but it can be hard to get your collor right.
  2. Thanks. My buddy went the next day and fished my craws deeper and pulled out some nice bass. Swam a jig and craw threw the weeds around 10 feet and did well on bigger fish.
  3. Tourney fisherman want my baits salted.They drop shot the,salted baits.I found a ratio that works.My trick worms fished wacky are deadly. With out salt they will not sink.But to each there own. Just trying to help a guy with what i been doing successfully for 10 years.You don`t need salt in craws but the last few years been using it in them also.And the color is key. I can fish all other colors than my best and not get bit. Put on my Zamboni green trick and it`s on.lol Take Zoom baits.They are salted and may have caught more fish than any other store bought bait.So i don`t think they use it as a filler or gimmick.
  4. !5 this is how much salt to add. i catch more fish with salted baits than floating ones,Use to never use salt except trick and senkos.Know i put it in all my baits.Guess the fish around here don`t see much of there food floating.Still get some float even with salt.Not doing it for taste just to keep my baits from floating to high. Using LC measuring spoons. 20 dashes of salt for trick and senko`s per 4oz,If you use med plastic use a cap of softener. 15 dashes in all other baits per 4oz. use softener with med plastic. But if you want your baits to be more buoyant do not use it. iT`S MAINLY PERSONAL PREFERENCE BUT I CATCH MORE FISH WITH SALT. I use to not add salt.Thought a floating bait was it but over the years the fish i catch like the bait on the bottom. Maybe i have no clue but it works for me and just trying to help a new pourer.
  5. Who cares if he wants to add salt.Add if you want to. I add it to all my baits when i use super soft. Add to my trick worms and my sticks. Where do you think he`s going with it.He asked a question so i answered it.. Most guys that have been using store bought baits are use to salt. I have been pouring baits a long time and use salt in some baits and not others. tell all my customers color does not matter. Guy needs some help so i gave it to him. I am however, just enough of an angler to say that many of the things people think are important aren't that important if position and technique are prioritized first. Now that's a funny statment
  6. For my full round trick worms i use 20 of lc`s measuring spoon`s dash per 4oz. in all other baits i use 15 dash`s of salt per 4oz. When i use lc med plastic i add a cap of softener per 4 oz with salt. I just started using MF super soft so no softener. Been using this ratio for years.Works perfect.
  7. Well. man i hate when someone post and never returns. What`s up with that. Like to see the worm.
  8. Caught a bunch but could not get the biggins to bite,Bass caught on my hand poured worm. Little vid.
  9. Need to get a photo bucket account.It`s free. upload pic to photo bucket the copy the bottom IMG code and paste on here. I goggled the bait and seen a poor pic. Looks like a 6in curl tail. Check LC rtv molds,
  10. daveh

    Brush Hogs

    Using LC mesuring spoons use 15 dashes of salt to 4oz. But i don`t use it in them much but when i did that's what i use in all my salted baits except stick baits.
  11. Try it. Whats it going to hurt.May work may not. Just be out a little plastic.
  12. 3.5 craw but still pinch some of the body for a jig. And you can use a 3.5 craw on a shaky head or Texas rig.There are smaller trailers but i like the 3.5.
  13. I think everyone of us has been on your end with del. I like and have talked to him years ago when i was buying his molds. I love his molds but not his customer service. Every mold i have of dels and is many it took a few months of emails and phone calls to get them. I stayed quit on del all these years but can`t believe he will not change his ways. Dave
  14. Yea injection molds took the art out of hand pouring. Even a cave man can do it.LOL I hand poured for years and still do but my injection molds are piling up.
  15. I pour 100`s of u tails and ribbon tail worms every year.Open pour molds.My best summer baits.Use a small pirex cup to pour.Great action.
  16. What part of kentucky you live in.I am around cincinnati.If not to far i can show you how to pour.Dave
  17. Also if you are going to use open pour molds use the small pirex cup.Much easier than the large until you get the hang of pouring,.
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