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Everything posted by daveh

  1. daveh

    runnin bunnies

    been running the hounds and looks like there ready for the up coming bunny season. took a short clip the other day. they were hitting it hard. back at the truck
  2. i have been using reel magic for years on mono. don`t leave home without it. i love it on my 20lb flouresent line i use for night fishing.
  3. be carefull once you pour your first worm its over. lol welcome to the site. great folks here
  4. you might not be adding enough scent. i add a eye dropper per 4 oz and seems to do the job, also if you burn your plastic i will smell even with scent. i use dels garlic and cook it in and have no plastic smell.
  5. i have the 4 1/2, 6 and 10 1/2 and they all catch fish. i sell a lot of the 4 1/2 to guys using on a shaky head. and i personaly been tearing up the bass with the big 10 1/2 in. also the plastic we use has action unlike any zoom trick worm. you can load up the worms with salt like zoom or leave it out and get some great action bass can`t resist. caught a 3lb 8oz bass today on the 10 1/2 in trick no salt. use to be a zoom trick worm fan. not anymore
  6. use worm oil. its not that expensive and a little goes a long way. then add sent if you want.
  7. your right richard. my fishing and hunting buddy always calls me before we go fishin to make sure i have enough curl tails poured. and when my buddys kid caught his first bass on my bait it was great.
  8. good job. its amazing making baits and catching fish on them. still hard to beleive that i have not used a store bought and probaly never will again. my biggest bass this year was 4lb 11oz on a 7in hand poured curl tail. witch were i live is a good bass on the heavy fished lakes i fish.
  9. nice bass. been catching some nice bass also. havn`t used a store bought bait this year besides crankbaits. maybe i should start making them also. ut oh.
  10. took a co worker and his son out. he has never been bass fishing. fixed him up with a spinning rod and a texas rigged hand poured 7in curl tail. well he`s hooked. he caught some nice bass and now he wants to learn how to pour worms.
  11. BASS , made my own fish scent with worm oil and anise. it worked great. caught a bunch of bass on a jig and my hand poured chunck. the oil and scent held on the bait great. i put worm oil in a old spray scent bottle and added the anise. also made some gralic spray.
  12. good job. like others said let the fish take it under then set thec hook.
  13. good thing to be addicted to. keep it up. hey i seen ac/dc twice years ago in cincinnati with the original singer.
  14. they will float without a hook. but you need a hook to catch the fish. you have to use floating bubbles. i have not tryed it yet but guys on here have. may try it this winter.
  15. daveh

    motor oil

    i have dels motor oil. need to pick up a zoom motor oil baits to match it. a tourny fisherman says motor oil is great on the ohio river tributarys.
  16. this is where i buy my anise. been a garlic user for many years. have not used it this year. Anise Oil
  17. when i first started pouring stick baits i was getting a hollow end in the bait. i was going to ask but did the search and found the answer. so the search works to answer a lot of the questions.
  18. i use dels salt right now and grind it in a blender. i put a little salt in my baits but not to much. i still want the bait to float of the bottom. i have not used a store bought bait this season and been tearing up the bass. i think with the floating action and the softness or the texture of hand pours make the much better than salt filled store bought baits. just experiment. people that buy them want salt so i put some in.
  19. havn`t tryed there but been buying it online. it is some great stuff. bass been inhaling my baits.
  20. does anyone use osarktackle plastic and how is it.
  21. zeiners sells mf plastic cheaper than mf
  22. they look good. not sure about the grease. never heard of using it in molds:eek:
  23. its real easy get a photo bucket account. there free. you up load photos from your camera to photobucket. then copy and paste on the forum. pm me if you need some help. daveh
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