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Everything posted by daveh

  1. As the late Jake Adkins, the founder of Jakes Producto Lures hey flabasspond, there was a small bait store in indiana that carried producto lures years back. are they still around. great worm.
  2. a black 7in curl tail with black grape flake, night time fishing a 10in curl tail or 10 1/2in trick in same color:yay: we very seldom have clear water so black has always worked in this area.
  3. nova is rirght on the mirowave. mine takes 2min and its just about ready. 30 seconds more and its ready. when making worms i just add a little salt as i shown so it still floats off the bottom. stick baits are differant. follow dels recipe on stick baits. you will get to no your mirowave and how long it takes. when i first started pouring i melted down a bunch of store bought baits with no problems but now i only use the good stuff. i like lc 536 but going to try dels. i like my black baits black so i do 50 drops in 4oz but the recipes on this site and dels will show you the way. i think the hardest part of pouring is getting the color the way you want it.
  4. That ol Uncle Spike-A-Pike put my photos here...
  5. That ol Uncle Spike-A-Pike put my photos here...
  6. That ol Uncle Spike-A-Pike put my photos here...
  7. A lot of people have been asking me how to pour baits, so I made a video clip. It covers just the basics and I may have missed a few things. I think it may a beginner. The Del's 10 1/2" trick worm has been tearing up the bass on the small 200 acres lakes but I have been catching some nice bass on them. Here's the video. I was a little sloppy with the 10 1/2" trick on my first pour, I was holding camera with one hand and pouring with other.
  8. i use dels garlic. i works great and order pure anise from the web
  9. 2,000 HP Outboard Inflatable .. Here's the latest drug runner toy from Europe . This thing raced across the English channel 3 times per week and was just a blur on the radar of the British Coast Guard. They were so astonished by the speed of the unknown craft, they brought in a special high speed helicopter to chase it. Drugs were found on board. You'd have to be on drugs to put the throttle down on this thing!
  10. this was a drug running boat. they said it was a blurr when running. no boat could catch it so the got a special chopper in to chase it down.
  11. daveh

    A First

    yes a del 10 1/2 in dimond tale.
  12. daveh

    A First

    we had 6 in of rain in 2 days went fishing after the rain the lake was high and a mess. no bites. threw everything i could think of. had one of my 10 1/2 in worms set up on one of my poles. my buddy said bet they never seen one of those before. second cast caught a small one. messed another one. caught 3 other small one on the 6 in trick. got real hot and windy so we left. heres my first fish on the big 10 1/2in trick loaded with anise and garlic. i love hand poured baits. worm was bigger than the fish.
  13. i needed a case of plastic real bad and i called on a thursday. i asked how long it would take. she said it would be here on monday. i said if you can get it here sooner it would be great. got home from work friday and it was there. they will never loose my business. things happen. i call my orders in all the time.
  14. daveh

    anise scent

    i was told by a friend not to use anise star. she makes a sportsman soap and said the star is just not as good so i bought the pure stuff. i never used anise star so i don`t know what the differance is. but the stuff i am using does not take much. it is potent and the fish seem to love it. going to hit the lake in the morning and just made 24 7in curl tails with it and also some 10 1/2 in tricks. will let you know how i do. we had about 6 in rain the last 2 days hope the lake is ok.
  15. daveh

    anise scent

    this is were i bought the anise i am using Anise Oil
  16. daveh

    anise scent

    i put it in the hot plastic. i made some black crul tails black purple flake. took 24 worms with me sunday on a 200 acre lake that gets pounded. talked to a guy that was fishing by me said he hasn`t had a bite. i got about 20 yds past him and caught a three pounder. i caught 11 bass and missed a bunch. i came home with 4 worms.the scent is strong and stays in the bait. no spraying anything on them. i am getting ready to make a bunch tonight. i have a 4oz jar and just pour it in. maybe a teaspoon in 2 oz of plastic or more. its really potant. i no the use to put in baits years ago but havn`t seen it lately in store bought baits. oh yea i love catchin bass on baits i make
  17. anybody using anise in there baits. i bought some a couple of weeks ago and been tearing up the bass. been using dels one piece curl tail worm with anise and the bass love it.
  18. looks great. your on a roll:worship:
  19. i knew that.lol:whistle: i have seen that mold in there catolog. never seen a poured one. good job:)
  20. daveh

    few bass

    took a buddy for his first turkey hunt. had them close but no kill. got out of the woods a 2 pm and it was 81 degrees. had my poles with me and some hand pours. caught one bas on my bobs buzz frog and another on dels 6in full round trick. only fished for 15 min. and had to leave. first time bassin this year. been filling the freezer with crappies.
  21. they look great. be carefull this is one addicting hobby. i like that frog. where did you get the mold.
  22. daveh

    little runnin

    thought some of you folks would enjoy this. our hounds doing what they love to do. run bunnys
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