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Everything posted by daveh

  1. dels 4 1/2 in diamond tail. green pumpkin,black, junebug. also do good with watermelon candy. also dels 6in diamond tail is great. also just got bobs flat tail 6in. havn`t tryed it yet but i think its going to put some bass in the boat. looks good on a shaky head.
  2. i just poured 1000 4 1/2 fully round trick worms. i used to molds. if i get more orders like this i will get 2 more molds.
  3. you can buy the glup scent in a spray at stores. not sure about the power bait
  4. those look good. i have that mold and can`t wait to try them.
  5. daveh

    Top 6 colors

    to me the hardest part of making baits to sell is gettig all the colors down.
  6. heres the recipe 1 cup of plastic 56 drops dels pumpkin 50 drops of dels green pumpkin 10 drops dels black a dash of small black flake and med black flake
  7. that is my version of green pumpkin.
  8. a guy i sold some to liked it so much he took a short video of it
  9. daveh

    Finess worm

    i have the 4 1/2 2piece dimond tail from delw. guys love them on shaky head and drop shot.
  10. daveh

    Finess worm

    i have the 2 piece 4 1/2 dimond tail from delw. guys love them on shaky head and drop shot.
  11. had some left over plastic from some orders so i tryed my first laminate pour. turned out ok.
  12. monkey speaks the truth lol just finishing up pouring 1000 4 1/2 in tricks for a guy down south. check out delw site for a mold. its not hard but addicting.
  13. i have bobs paddle tail mold. i love that bait.
  14. looks good. i need to get working on a fan.
  15. i have one. no problem pouring it. i just got it for myself.
  16. great job. you mind sharing your green pumpkin recipe thanks. dave
  17. lure craft has a dvd out on getting started. when i first started i think i read just about every thread on this board and delw`s. there is some great info and when i had a few problems this site solved them.
  18. black,junebug and watermelon candy
  19. thanks saint. i will be calling del when i get home from work. dave
  20. i got the call at 10 last night. i could not beleive it. they are for him and his brothers. they live on dale hollow. i only have one mold making 5 at a time. couldn`t turn him down, just started selling and have a buch of orders. don`t have time to get my web site done.
  21. on the 4 1/2 i am going to do 20 per bag. 10 per bag on the 6in
  22. well i guess the recipe i made up for zooms green pumpkin worked. the guy i sent them to said they were perfect and just ordered 50 bags of 4 1/2 dimond tail worms.
  23. hey now those look great. got to make one of those pourers.
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