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Everything posted by daveh

  1. i have 10 of the old model curado`s and picked up the new model at the beginning of the season lat year. i use it to throw crank baits and one of the smothest reels i have ever used. never used a revo so can`t compare, but if you get a curado you will love it. dave
  2. throw some in the micro wave and see what happens, do 30 seconds at a time.
  3. thanks saint. i did come up with one close. took me about 3 hours and a bunch of plastic. i sent them down south yesterday. the guy that ordered them is going to let me know, i will try yours thanks adve
  4. smallie thats the way i started. had so many plastic and a buddy had a sluggo mold so we started melting them. and i also landed some nice bass on them. when i went to luqiud plastic there was no going back. but thats how i got started and now i am a mess. lol trying to figure out certin colors will drive you crazy.
  5. in the basemet. no vent yet working on it. keep my molds on the furnece to keep them warm.
  6. just buy a cheap miro wave the plastic does not pop and spit. start at 2 min and stir. then maybe 30sec or another minute keep checking it till it stirs real easy.then pour
  7. i poured these for a friend last night out of lc white. seems ok to me
  8. thats how i started. i melted down bags of old plactics. but like the others said most of it will smoke bad but its a good way to start learning. i had a 100 count of small black bowerbait worms that i melted down and made sluggos out of it. smoked a little but made some nice baits.
  9. i don`t see anything wrong with them. they look great:yay:
  10. like to see aaron martins take it. he has a buddy that lives around here and comes to ohio and deer hunts. his buddy brought him to a friends fishing and hunting store and i meet him. he stayed after hours and asked my buddy about a dicontinued color on a crank bait. he took him to his stock room and aaron bought everyone he had and wrote him a $3000 dollar check for them.
  11. when i showed a buddy my first stick pour he wanted 300. the hand pours i think are so much better than store bought. i never paided attention to how many i poured per hour but got pretty good pouring 300. be carefull its addicting. but a labor of love. lol
  12. that is funny. sorry about your kid though:eek: i seen that on tv about the rabbits down there. wish we had that problem. dave:yay:
  13. the yotes are big around here also and the bunny population is on the decline. so after the seaon going out with my ar 15 and call and see if i can get me couple of them fat yote.
  14. i seen a show on the outdoor channel about it. it does change the color but didn`t see any change on some bubble gum baits i poured last night. i used lc coffee scent. they said worm farmers raise there worms in coffee grounds and thats what the fish taste when they eat a worm. i used some coffee concetrate last night and you can smell it in the baits. a frind of mine made some with some coffee grounds and soaked baits in them and caught some nice small mouth a couple of weeks ago.
  15. well got woke up at 2am:drool:. some idiot was plowing the church lot and had his windows down and his radio up full blast. couldn`t sleep so i decided to pour some baits. just got the coffee scent in and added 4 drops to 2oz of hot plastic. stirred it up and poured. smell pretty strong. reheated it for more pours and ended up waking the whole house up with the smell. it is very strong. i thought it smelled good, untill i get exhaust set up in the basement i will just add it to the baits in a bag.
  16. i have dels two piece 4 1/2in dimond tale. makes a nice worm.
  17. we had around 4inches in cincinnati today . then friday we get ice.
  18. well no luck with the pumpkinseed. using brown and a little white is close. will keep trying. dave
  19. i just ordered some from LC. i will try it when it comes in.
  20. i have 5 molds from del and another one coming, they make a great looking bait. hey del you ever get me logged on to you forum. daveh.
  21. looks good, good light and good table hight. will be good on your eyes and back.
  22. it takes me 2min to nuke 2oz of lc plastic. about 4mim with 4oz. all microwaves are differant just do a couple min at a time and check it. i put the color in while i nuke it and the glitter in after its done. i do mine in the basement and hardly have any smell. no need to do it outside that i can see. i have been pouring about 3 months and its pretty easy. you will get the hang of it in no time.
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