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Everything posted by daveh

  1. Or go to LC site and buy some rubber open pour molds.Cheap and flat sided baits have caught me 100`s of bass.
  2. surprised it stayed up as long as it did.
  3. I use the LC coffee scent for a few guys that want it.I made the mistake of cooking it in the plastic one night.Ran everyone out of the house.I don`t use it personally but the LC is potent and if you don`t want to make it i think a 2oz bottle will last a very long time.Now i just add it to the finish baits.
  4. buy gallon 502 plastic a small pirex cup and some open pour molds from Lurecraft. Also need a microwave. That`s how i started but warning i am now mold poor.
  5. I have bee using 502 for years.About 4 years ago i bought a 5 of calhouns med.It was bubble city.Went back to 502 and that`s all i use.
  6. I know the ribs on the body is patented maybe the tail.Back when RI was going after everyone i heard there lawyers had a search engine that would search out the word beaver on all of the sites. Better buy one fast because i bet they won`t be up long.I no longer care about copying someones bait since they steal our ideas.But that is me.I no longer make or have the beaver molds but wish i did.They work in the rivers around here and they are pretty pricey.
  7. Del and lure craft had to take there beaver molds down from there sites.Back when RI was really going after people i don`t think you were not even to say the word beaver.lol Guess they never seen this site and there mold.I had some molds of dels and just posted a photo and never sold any and got my hand slapped.
  8. Looks like a beaver so i would say yes.Suprised reaction innovations has not sent them a letter.
  9. Not yet but by looking at them you can tell they are open pour molds. Be easy to make.
  10. Never fished it but been wanting to.Go to indiana info website and someone my be able to help you.Dave
  11. daveh


    I love the super chunk.On back of my homemade jig it out fishes all my other Baits i make.In spring it is really deadly and at night in the summer.I use dels super chunk mold.
  12. Thanks.I have been making stick baits with salt for years.Wanting to try the additive. Thanks for the info.Dave
  13. Do you use soft or med plastic with the HD additive.
  14. Or just take the plastic you have and add hardener to it.I have made some pretty stiff plastic this way. You can add hardener to salt water plastic.Mix the hardener well so there are no clumps.
  15. No it does not.Been adding scent to hot plastic for 9 years and it stinks.I also add to the finished baits.If you do it inside your house you will Know it.Only scent i will not add while cooking plastic is coffee scent.It will run everyone out of the house.
  16. Hand pour senko`s are simple to pour if you want solid colors.I love delmart senko molds but not sure if you can get them. I also use dels 10in trick worm hand pour.Easy to pour.But may want to go to bass tackle or bearsbaits.
  17. A !/2 cap of lc hardener will work with 4oz.Also mix hardener very well.
  18. Try it.What do you got to loose but a little coffee and oil.Worm oil may work better. Lc has some strong coffee scent.
  19. This is the mold is close to that bait. http://www.basstackle.com/product_p/708-1-1.htm
  20. Never heard of it.But if it`s oil base i guess you can cook it in.
  21. I just made this color for a friend and he came in second in a tourney with them i used green punkin with black flake and blue highlight. not perfect but it worked
  22. Stir then stir some more.That is all you can do.I will reheat after a few pours then stir.
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