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Everything posted by daveh

  1. daveh

    Tube Mold

    those nose inserts go on the skirt mandrel. would be to short for dipping. need a longer rod. lc sells dipping rods.
  2. daveh

    Hello From Ohio

    welcome. what part of ohio you in. i am in the cincy area.
  3. got dels bent worm mold thursday and made a handfull. me and my buddy went fishin friday. got on the water at 4am. threw big worms and jigs before daylight. then threw buzzbaits. no bites. about 8am threw old relible my full round trick wacky style. no bite. about 9am put on dels bent worm on a football head flickit jig. caught 5 bass in about an hour. my buddy talked me out of a jig but i made him throw bobs bent worm. i caught 11 bass on dels bent worm. biggest 4lbs. my buddy caught 9 biggest 3 lbs. got off the water about 11:30am. was about 90 degrees. both worms work great. both worms have the bend. dels is fatter on one end and bobs is just round with a bend also. both have great action and i willbe using both.
  4. i just looked at that worm at my buddys store. it is flat on one side, would be an easy rtv mold. almost like a trick worm.
  5. i just looked at the worm on a site. looks like it has a flat side. i would call kim and have a rtv mold made. my best seller is a rtv mold made by lc.
  6. check lc they have hundreds of molds one sided but they catch fish. delmart and bears full round trick is a great fish catcher. or contact one of them and have a custom made mold,
  7. i have 3 of dels open pour fluke molds. they are deadly. tails can be a little tough to pour but you will get the hang of it. a buddy won big bass in the southern chalange with my 8in at guntersville 2 years ago. i sent some to a friend in west virgina a few weeksago. he went to a pond to check the action and caught 3 bass on 3 casts with the 5in.
  8. i was going to buy a pack of the original to see what there like. 5.99 for a pack of 8. i don`t think so. man they think highly of them.
  9. delmart. my buddy has basstakles witch is real nice,
  10. i also have one of dels coming. i will compare them. after fishing bobs and checking out the action i really think the best part of the baits or the bent ends and not the flat head. not many people arouund here fish them so i think they should be money. also the jig sinking the bait gives it the action and they sink with both ends going uop and down. anyone make the flike shake jig.
  11. i give what is it.
  12. i read it wrong. you said 5 gal not a gallon. you should get a few thousand.
  13. the worm is just strait at the head with the bend. dels looks like the real thing but this worm has some great action. both ends wobble up and down. i think its the bends in the bait that gives it the action not the head, i am real impressed with this worm. made more for tommorow. hope the fish are hitting had 3in of rain and flooding.
  14. the worm is just strait at the head with the bend. dels looks like the real thing but this worm has some great action. both ends wobble up and down. i think its the bends in the bait that gives it the action not the head, i am real impressed with this worm. made more for tommorow. hope the fish are hitting had 3in of rain and flooding.
  15. also the wire weed gaurd broke after the 4th bass on the jig. tryed to fish it but got hung up alot. they did inhale the worm also and the jig has a great hook set. going to bp shops today and get more jigs.
  16. over the last few years i have been teaching people to pour. i take the smallest open pour i have an a small pirex cup wiyh 4 oz of plastic and teach them how to pour it. once you master a small open pour mold you can pour anything.
  17. well went fishing friday morning and we had some strong stoms move threw over night. got on the water at 5am. fished for 2 hours and no bites. tried every homemade bait i had. even my full round trick that slays them at this lake did not work. i made 30 of bobs bent worms for the trip. had a flike sake weedless jig tied on and a bent worm.. did not tell my buddy about this worm. first cast bam caught a 2 pounder. ended up cathing 5 bass on them and a big cat fish. my buddy did not catch a fish. it was hot and no wind and the lake water was off color. i am glad i brought them or i would have got skunked like my buddy. i used no salt in them. they wobble great on the drop. wish i would of had some black ones. also bought an out law 7.6in spinning rod from lc and broke it in right. going to make some more bent worms in differant colors today.
  18. join bears site and ask, you can`t go wrong with kits from most suppliers.
  19. only seen a pic of the fs worm so not sure what you mean by flattened. i made about 30 last night and will post a pic. will be fishing them friday.
  20. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=4071654
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