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Everything posted by daveh

  1. fishing the flick shake http://www.bassfan.com/tips_article.asp?id=233
  2. daveh

    Tube Mold

    i have 5 of bears 3.5 molds HINGED and there are great. so easy
  3. i have bobs bent worm and it catches fish. don`t know if it will outfish the flick skake worm. never bought one and never will.
  4. maybe he will send me one so i can use his mold. lol
  5. yes it will fit. won`t fit janns or jacobs molds
  6. it depends on how hard you want to make your bait, i use lc hardener and use the cap thats on the bottle. half a cap to 4oz is what i use to stiffen up a bait. you got to experament. start with a small amout and you an always remelt and add more. also you have to add before you cook it and make sure its mixed real good. i use a battery powered hand mixer.
  7. i use cnc 1 and 2 pc molds and rtv molds made by lc. my best selling curl tail is a custom rtv mold made by lc. makes a perfect bait.
  8. i add it before i cook it. it does not take much. i add about a tablespoon per 8 oz and makse it real soft. you may have added to much.
  9. how long did it take to make that mold
  10. this may help or my not. what pw said is right on.
  11. i fished it weightless. but i remember when i turned it upside down it would float and it still had great action. i am going to pour some after i get my buddie`s the wannabe bass pros out of my basement. getting them ready for some big tourneys. pouring baits till midnight. i will pour some and fish them this weekend.
  12. that was the first frog mold i bought. i have never fished it went to the 2 peice buzz frog. when i tested it it swam great. seemed to flip over so i just rigged it so the boby side is down. i need to pour some and fish them. maybe the smaller profile will help on hook ups.
  13. no if you hand pour you have to open the mold pour the tail then put it together then pour the body. i have a 2in and a 4 in injection molds and they are nice.
  14. richard it is amazing how goofy bass tourney guys are. the want there baits covered with salt. i tell them theres no need for it but they won`t buy it unless there caked in it.
  15. cool thanks for serving. i use trick worms alot. i uce lc med plastis. 20 dashes of salt. that is with lc mearsuing spoon. and about a tablespoon of softener with 4oz of plastic. this is dead on zooms weight and fall rate and i tear the bass up. use them wacky style,dropshoting,shakyhead. slayed the bass yesterday dropshoting dels 6in full round trick.
  16. 035 glitter and some smaller sizes/ med plastic and if you want it softer use softener. it does not take much. super soft is way to soft unless your out west drop shoting in 30ft of clear water.
  17. looks like smoke with black and purple flake. if there is a greenish tint it may be green highlite. if not smoke a drop of brown in 40z
  18. thats realy not a good pick just looks like smoke.
  19. jacob i have bears 2 color injector and the tip does not fit. but i will try to drill your hole out. it does not have to be to much bigger for it to work. i can send you the tip so you can see how much bigger you need to make your port for that tip. almost fits.
  20. hey jacob, i bought one of your molds on ebay. you said your molds will fit most injectors on the market. i have bears injector and it does not fit. the hole is so small on your mold i can`t use it, do yourself a favor. do like bear del and basstackle does and make your molds to fit there injectors that way your molds will fit most injectors. its that easy. you make a nice mold and i love your crappie baits but its worthless if you can`t use it. nothing persoal and i would buy more molds from you if they fit the injectors on the market. and welcome to the site dave huebner
  21. it makes no difference just a little fatter bait. you can get them in injected or hand pour. there easy to make both ways.
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