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macstackleman last won the day on August 15 2012

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About macstackleman

  • Birthday 08/15/1953

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  • Interests
    Bass Fishing
    Lure designing and building.
    Coach bass fishing high school team.
    Saltwater fishing

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  1. Looking to do some hot stamping on my hand built crankbaits. need info on purchasing the foil please. can’t find it anywhere! Love the scale patterns. thank You Mac
  2. Thanks guys for information!
  3. Forgot which solder is used to harden lead! wire working loose in heads of Spinnerbaits and lead flowing into hook eye on jig molds. thanks for help!
  4. What clip have ya found that is the easiest to install on a blade? rough time installing with any consistency. thanks
  5. Entered a couple Lures in contest this year! anxious to see results! Fun stuff! Mac
  6. Am not home at moment but it is from Tacoma, Washington. is a 30lb foam! yes! Very expensive !
  7. So you molded your bodies? I am carving from a block.
  8. I have been carving foam baits for awhile now and see nothing but advantages with them! I do not see anyone discussing foam bodies on this site! Just curious is there something I am missing? As buoyant as balsa, does not absorb water, easy to work with, no graining to worry about! Just to name a few positives off the top of my head! Love this site! Thanks
  9. Bought some brass rattles several years ago! attached to jigs! tried a few in Crankbait as belly weight and works great! trouble is only have 10 left!!! anyone know where some maybe purchased? Thank You!
  10. Hobby Lobby wouldn’t let me use the 40% coupon for the Eclipse! Did others get it ok?
  11. My friend looking for 1/2-3/4-1 all on one mold. you interested in building him one?
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