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Everything posted by macstackleman

  1. Looking to do some hot stamping on my hand built crankbaits. need info on purchasing the foil please. can’t find it anywhere! Love the scale patterns. thank You Mac
  2. Thanks guys for information!
  3. Forgot which solder is used to harden lead! wire working loose in heads of Spinnerbaits and lead flowing into hook eye on jig molds. thanks for help!
  4. What clip have ya found that is the easiest to install on a blade? rough time installing with any consistency. thanks
  5. Entered a couple Lures in contest this year! anxious to see results! Fun stuff! Mac
  6. Am not home at moment but it is from Tacoma, Washington. is a 30lb foam! yes! Very expensive !
  7. So you molded your bodies? I am carving from a block.
  8. I have been carving foam baits for awhile now and see nothing but advantages with them! I do not see anyone discussing foam bodies on this site! Just curious is there something I am missing? As buoyant as balsa, does not absorb water, easy to work with, no graining to worry about! Just to name a few positives off the top of my head! Love this site! Thanks
  9. Bought some brass rattles several years ago! attached to jigs! tried a few in Crankbait as belly weight and works great! trouble is only have 10 left!!! anyone know where some maybe purchased? Thank You!
  10. Hobby Lobby wouldn’t let me use the 40% coupon for the Eclipse! Did others get it ok?
  11. My friend looking for 1/2-3/4-1 all on one mold. you interested in building him one?
  12. Who builds a 5/8-3/4-1oz tube jig mold? thanks
  13. Question! Does the powder spray gun have a adjustable spray pattern like liquid? wondering if you can spray lines down the sides as well as spots. thanks!
  14. Just wondering what's up with Fishing Skirts!
  15. Have to call and talk to Bubba! tried to email said wasn't delivered. thanks
  16. Skirts Unlimited, Fishing Skirts out of stock on several colors! whats up with them? whoelse sells material with that kind of selection? i am getting in a bad situation here! thanks Macstackleman
  17. Sorry for being so late to respond! Have used these rings on all collars! and yes have put a drop of super glue on the ball collars! Sorry again! Have put the single rattle strap on behind the skirt also for strength!
  18. I have found a new technique I would like to share! I make my skirts with a new o-ring I purchase from McMaster-Carr. This ring is made from neoprene and doesn't dry rot! I put my bands in the o-ring then slip onto lure. Now not only is the neoprene a big issue here is the cool part of this! After skirt is applied to lure, slip on another o-ring behind the skirt!!!! This causes the skirt to flair and have more action. Now also not sure how this works because I am not a physics teacher, but the second o-ring will prevent the skirt from sliding down the lure!!! I use 1/4OD x 1/8ID. McMaster # AS568A Hope this helps out!!
  19. Cadman, that is the round living rubber. The old school rubber is square. The round and square are two different creatures in the water, but made from same material! I have purchased the new square living rubber and I am having trouble separating the strands! The old stuff would come apart nicely when stretched and cut holding scissors on a angle. New stuff seems rubbery and won't separate very easy. Pull harder breaks the strands. Anyone else having this issue? Thanks
  20. Tip to keep paint out of eye! Cut 1/8" shrink tubing about 3/16 to 1/4 inch long. Slip over eye before heating to paint. When heating to paint tubing grabs onto eye. Before curing just peel off tubing and ready to cure!!
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