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Everything posted by jcb19983

  1. jcb19983


    what do you like better the gravity feed brushes or the bottom feed brushes
  2. jcb19983

    so close ?

    Im so close to finally painting my first fishing lure but just keep running into problems. I just bought the moisture trap yesterday and tried it to day, but as soon as I bring the the pressure up you can hear air leaking out. You can tell its coming from the moisture trap but it feels like every things tight. Does somthing need to go on the screws or around them.
  3. Is pine wood a good wood to use to carve out lures. My next question is what color green should I use if Im painting a trout swimbait, Im useing createx paint.
  4. I use createx paint, but have used testors paint. The createx is a better deal because you get more and you dont need to thinn it
  5. Hi I just bought a porter cable compressor for my paasche vl airbrush but am having alot of trouble find some kind of adapter for it. I lost my directions for my vl so I cant see what size the end of the hose is, and cant find in the compressor directions what size it takes. Can some one please tell me what size it takes and where i can get it.
  6. I use what ever primer i can find, and createx paints
  7. go to: how to airbrush.com they have a great forum, and people there really know what there talking about
  8. jcb19983


    I almost have my first swimbait carved out and I was wondering if anyone had any pointers one how to put them together.
  9. Ive been wanting to get an air compressor for awhile but dont know which one to get.I wanted to buy one like the brand rigid, or porter cable but I didnt know if they would be compatible with with my airbrush (paasche vl). So if anyone uses these brands or others leave a reply.
  10. I bought minwax sanding sealer and just noticed it siad clear finish primer on the side. Does this mean the primer is already in the sanding sealer and I dont need to apply a primer.
  11. jcb19983

    Im new???

    I pretty new to the craft of lure making. Ive been carving wooden crankbaits for a couple of weeks but I dont know what paint to use and what primer, and what kind of clear coat to use.I kind of what to stick with acrylic paint, but if not that cool. So if some one can tell me what steps to take in the painting process that would be great. Thanks, Jordan
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