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About HeadBanger

  • Birthday 04/11/1979

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I know this maybe of forum topic but any of you folks have any info on an old phlueger spinner that was bass/pickerel,pike size, had a buck tail on the spinner shaft above the hook connection and one treble. any leads would be fine. I know this maybe a needle in a haystack, Thanks:huh:
  2. With this "proposed" plastics ban it wasn't just vinyl based plastics but all plastics the guy that did the study "government funded" I'm sure didn't diferenciate(spelling?) between products. If anything affects a trout or salmon in maine the whole world stops turning. They want bio-baits(like gulp) to be the only thing allowed to be used in maine waters. We can thank some well known outdoor magazines with spreading the word of one side only. Could you imagine getting a fine for having a senko rigged on a rod in a rod locker that you don't even use. My gramps was a bootleger in indiana back in the day maybe I'll have to follow suit with bringing power worms across the border.LOL If any members have links or anything in regards to an other option lets get a post going on here.
  3. Hello fellow pourers and anglers just a note that my wonderful home state of Maine may be impossing a ban on all non-biodegradable soft baits. That eliminates hundreds of companys and what do we do with all our old baits. Keep an ear to the ground on this one in your own states.
  4. I got a pair of gloves from Ironclad they are designed for hig heat applications and have great dexterity. I've sneezed while pouring and gotten fresh molten plastic all over the gloves no burns at all but they were fun cleaning up to say the least. pouring with a headcold can be tricky:eek:
  5. Hey people out there, I'm looking for a skirt that can be changed frequently(spelling)without damaging the skirt. Netcraft has some that they say can be changed an reused with out skirt damage(the tubing band I'm sure) any ideas?
  6. I'm getting ready to order some more tints and I was wondering about the formula for cinnamon brown yamamoto style. I got a reply before that said lc brown and lc red, I see the brown in their catalog but not a plain red. any tips? this is the color of colors for the bass here in downeast maine
  7. Hey has any one used a sta-warm melting pot? good/bad? looks like a good unit though.
  8. Hey I was given a large fry daddy deep frier that has a dial thermostat and was wondering if anyone has tried these to melt plastic? I thought that it would work great for dipping tubes.
  9. Hey fellow pourers, I've noticed some "hollow" looking swimbaits on the gallery page. How are you guys making those I've seen the dipping blade at lurecraft but for the life of me its use is unknown. Well good pouring and up north we're praying for open water season.
  10. Hey lure makers I 'm having a hard time finding a good place in my area for packaging lables. Any on-line places you guys annd girls have used? I got packs and packs of baits and no labels:eek:
  11. I just made my first "big" order from LC and ordered the large lee melting pot. any surprise that I should know about
  12. I've been trying to create a color like cinnamon brown that yamamoto has. Anybody nailed that one down?
  13. any of you guys got a good means of making a quick change for the end spinner on your spinnerbaits/ or to spinner on the arm
  14. would anyone have a used do-it ultra minnow spinnerbait mold for sale or maybe a poison jig mold
  15. You guys got any path were to go for changeable clevises
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