I was brainstorming at work today and here's what I came up with. After I ruin a couple dozen baits and finally get my slot where I want it, I take some scrap plywood and build a box about 2 to 3 times the size of my bait. Having noticed how Devcon peals right off aluminum foil, I line the inside of my box with aluminum foil. I then fill my box completely full of Devcon. After wrapping my bait with aluminum foil, I submerge my bait in the Devcon bath. I'm thinking after the Devcon cures a bit, I can disassemble my box leaving my bait in a perfect block of Devcon. With any luck, I can cut the block and the bait in half and have a perfect jig for my bait. That is, if I can retrieve my bait without destroying my mold. With the Devcon being clear, I can glue my bait back together, insert it back into the mold and mark the holes for my ballast and screw eyes, and also the bill slot. The reason I thought of the Devcon is it will be durable enough to use for a while. The only thing that worries me is removing my bait after I cut the block in half. Hopefully with the bait wrapped in the layer of foil, it will pop right out. I know the bait will have to be perfectly centered in the box for it to work. If not, the whole thing's a bust! But then Bruce's idea is alot less work and should work equally as well.