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Everything posted by jamie

  1. Snax , does this stuff harden like 2 ton ,like a rock or is it a little flexable like etex. have you tried pouring them and testing it. I like the etex more than the 2 ton.
  2. Dad is vision is bad also and cant see much farther than his arm length and when you take him fishing you have to keep the boat out AS FAR AS HE CAN CAST. Sometimes you forget and drift in torwards the bank, you might be looking in your tackle box and not paying attention, and he will sling one about 40 yards up in the woods. Dad would say damn I didnt hear that one hit, I would laugh then dad would start laughing. Then dad would get a little upset because he threw a 25 dollar musky lure in the tree tops,but I always just laugh and tell him to put another one on. As long as he can still throw them Im willing to let him lose them because I sure in the hell last alot more of his stuff growing up than he will ever lose of mine. Ican always buy or make more lures but I cant buy or make what little time that I still have with him.So not only you should take a kid fishing but you should take you dad as well.
  3. My dad is now 78 and I still look forward to ever fishing trip that we take together.He isnt able to fish as much as he used to but its something to have three generations sitting together and wet a line. My dad looks at my son like he looked at me when I was his age and spoils him every chance he gets .I cant get him to stop buying for my son, he has bought him I know at least 10 fishing poles and a tackle box full that would make a grown man cry. It makes dad happy spoiling him though, so what do you do.But I think fishing is the best bonding experience that I could ever have done with my son and hope when im 78 Im able to be the spoiler to my grand children and wet a line as a family. you know the saying take a kid fishing , take them fishing its a life time of memories and a great way to spend time with your children.
  4. :nuhuh:Spike , Its funny to watch him now he learns something new everytime we go. He starting to pick up on patterns and he will tell you when you come up on the spot. He will say daddy that spot looks like the last place I caught one I bet there is one right there. And it will be just likethe last place he caught one , it might be a log with a brushpile at the base or rocks but he is learning. The boy practices in the yard casting all the time he cast at a hulahoop in the yard. I still have to help him cast in tight spots but it wont be long before he is helping me. It makes me fill good to know that he has that kind of interest in fishing and not so much in video games like other kids are doing. I now have the perfect fishing buddy, sometimes I never make the first cast I just enjoy working,teaching and watching him do what he loves fishing.I cant wait to take him on his first canada trip when he is old enough just like my dad did for me.
  5. He already started the lure building side of things. He goes to the garage and repaints lures. Sometimes he will ask me to go outside he wants to paint fish.lol lol lol .
  6. it all started this morning when my 6 year old got up rubbing his eyes and said" I want to go fishing. So I did what any dad would do, I hooked the boat up and we went fishing. I just slid the 14 foot v hull in the water and he asked me if he could use my rod. He uses a zebco style reel and uses it well I might add, but I didnt think he was ready for the spin cast reel yet. So I told him if he could use it he could have it, and I started laughing. After a 5 minute crash course on casting we began to fish. After he caught 19 bass on it today,I just sit there amazed how well he used the rod. Dont get me wrong he is , not that Im bragging, the best fisherman his age that ive ever seen. He can out fish his older brother of 14 any day of the week. This is a true story but when he was about 4 he would cry at night and say that he wanted to have his fishing pole in his room because he couldnt sleep at night without seeing it.Every time I take him fishing somtime during the day he always stops fishing and give me a hug and kiss and tells me that he loves me . Years ago before I had kids I never had a clue what a good day on the water really was until now. But to make a long story short my little buddy has graduated to the next level and is now the owner of an allstar rod. The one good thing is I never have a hard time trying to find someone to fish with I always have my little buddy.
  7. Even when useing airbrush paint you have to thin at times, its not always ready to shoot.
  8. Mark poulson is the swimbait king, Imsure he would be glad to help. Im new to swimbait building and Im still in the trial and error side of things. now I can help you with gliders and cranks, Ive been building those things for years.
  9. Vodkaman is right this site does have a reputation for being helpful. The last forum that I used linked me here just for that reason and now I only use this site. It seems that other boards has become a bragging board more than a helpful hand to those who need or ask for help.The one thing that I cant stand is the find out for yourself attitudes that sometimes show themselves instead of helping someone. If someone gets tired of an epoxy question just dont read it or click to a different post, its that simple.The simple questions that we who has done this for years may be rocket science for who just started and sometimes need reassured that they are doing the right thing. Just remember its not only adults who use this site but kids as well.
  10. I have one, just watch the video that came with it . The video really explains alot on painting and cleaning . If you dont have one let me know I they sent me two videos I will give you one
  11. Great job and nice fish. There is nothing like catching fish on you own plugs!!!
  12. Spike I bet ya rivets would work, good idea I will have to try that one.
  13. :pissed:Iknow all about dropping swimbaits:pissed:
  14. They use that stuff to dissolve plactic cups for sealers dont they?
  15. Put the sealer on today hopfully I will be able to get the ball rolling on this thing.I have the second bait that I was working on almost ready also.
  16. Mark im over it now Im working on the remakes now. I was more mad of the time wasted than the lure itself. Just trying to find the time , with a 6 year old in the house its hard to find the time for anything else. between work and my best little buddy , lure making takes a back seat. There will always be time later for lures but my little guy is only little once and I will gladly play tee ball or take bike rides while he will still let me.
  17. Youtube has some great videos on learning to use an airbrush. Learning the basics is important and practice first before spraying baits, it will save you from sanding a bait down again.
  18. Man I love these swimbait videos they really show you talent. Bahlzar thats one great swimming bait!
  19. Maybe it was the wire form itself the caused the blowout I dont know
  20. I think in musky fishing its a combo of several things. The fish puts a lot of torque and pressure to the body of the bait itself from the bite and fighting the fish. Had a old cobb jointed crank made from balsa and the bait blowed up. the destruction of this bait made me think a little harder on my own desighns. It may have had a crack in the finishI dont know thats to far back to remember all I can remember is the bait had chunks that followed the grain that blowed outand you could see the wire form in places.
  21. I know I should of saved the bait but my frustration and my temper got the best of me. The trash man has it now so Im trying to move forward and start over. Riverman the shape im useing is the same shape of a glider bait that I make.
  22. You are right on the money, tried it on the old bait and it swam great.
  23. Thanks guys I going to work on it some more this weekend if time will allow it. I did have a second plan of attack on a new lure that Im working on at the same time as this one . The lure has the same shape and style as this one ,but the hinge will be a little different. Will post pics when I get all the joints ready for a dry fit.
  24. Believe me I do like the bait . The first one swam great, just wish I had nt dropped it.
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