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Everything posted by jamie

  1. jamie


    Jeep thats one great looking bait you made.
  2. jamie

    3d Eyes

    Thanks for posting I was getting ready to try this. I carried this stuff around the hobby shop the other day for an hour before deciding to put it back. Sounds to me im glad I did.
  3. Pete I rembered a video on the tube, I think it was one of Lapalas rapala factory video and it showed them putting foil on the bait. The foil was pressed on both sides at the same time.
  4. Way to go John , thats great news.
  5. Thank you ole buddy for the link.
  6. Diemai I was just wondering do you still have the video that I seen on you tube awhile back of the swimbait / spoon that you made. The jointed spoon was an awsome bait and I couldnt find it again on the tube. This was also a great video of your spoons and would like to see this bait again. Great work as always and if you still have this video please post , thank you .
  7. Shaun, any info would be great.... The only person who can say if this ill advised is you. You are the one with the secret to share and if you feel the need to share than by all means do so. All info on this site is always appreciated from everyone and maybe you might get a response to help you tweak your design.
  8. Very nice videos Diemai, I enjoyed them alot. Your spoons have a very nice swim and you are truly a master at the metal works of lure making.
  9. jamie

    Home Made Eyes

    Pete did you put a filler in the lens to make it solid?
  10. jamie

    Home Made Eyes

    Thanks for the info pete, I guess the one thing the google eyes would be good for is practice painting for a cheap throw away material. Pete just wondering were you heat setting with? The $3.50 is a minor cost its just not having the eyes on hand and waiting for them to be shipped when your wanting to finish up. I will try some other options if this dosnt work for me. Thanks for your valuable input.
  11. jamie

    Home Made Eyes

    Thanks guys for the extra info but I was looking to make the custom eyes in this video. http://www.taxidermy.com/eyes/
  12. jamie

    Home Made Eyes

    Well i was just getting around to starting this project, made the v former and off to the store for some supplies. I stopped at the hobby shop to buy some paint pens like in the video. I found the pens and something caught my eye. You know those cheap google eyes, The type of 3-d eyes with the movable pupil. I hate those eyes and one of my friends puts these damn things on lures and it looks cheap. But anyway back in the store, I picked up these eyes and was thinking I could stack a couple of metal washers under them and mold them for a templete. Then it hit me,,,,,,,, son of a there it is. What do you have if you take the back of these cheap eyes and remove the pupil that slides around? I'll tell you what you have is a 3-d lens already made for you. I make musky baits and the size of the eye I needed was 100 for two and a half bucks. So I bought a bag and took them to the house to try them out and they work. You will need to fill in after painting because the eye will dent but you have cheap and unlimited eye source. They are molded like the 3-D eyes you buy and paint up nice.
  13. jamie

    New Perch Swimbait

    Very nice!!! Great work Jed.
  14. Great design and a nice find, thanks for posting
  15. This rack is what I use to keep the lure from flopping around. It hooks right to my dryer.
  16. Dave I think this was the post you thing of My link. I had some success with it and alot of failures also. Sorry the baits pics were deleted in this thread by mistake. I will try to dig this bait up( gave up after awhile). I think the topic was venting baits.
  17. Go to you tube there are lots of tuts there.
  18. If your just getting started in airbushing my best advice is practice before you break out you first lure. Learn control and proper thinning of paints. There is nothing more stressful than working on a lure and not knowing how to use your brush. There are some great tuts on you tube and they are worth checking out. You need to learn to walk before you can run....
  19. jamie

    Home Made Eyes

    Just had another thought on this. In the thread about vacuum forming I asked if you could use 2 liter plastic bottles for the source of plastic and I believe the reply was yes. If this is so you could use a mt dew 2 liter bottle which has a green tint to the bottle. You could have a clear and green lens for the eyes, just another thought. Jamie
  20. jamie

    Home Made Eyes

    Pete this is all just a guess, but I hope it helped. If they painted their own eye they probably used the eye on the video, just another guess. Jamie
  21. jamie

    Home Made Eyes

    Dave, I was thinking of filling the eye because I fish for toothy critters and Im more worried about punctures. What I was thinking was I could get a quality color eye ( any color I want) with a custom look . I think this ,(if I can get it to work) , will help me take a custom bait to the next level. Not to mention you could make a custom eye for little of nothing and not have to wait for the mailman to bring you your eye. You mention forming a hundred at a time, thats why I wanted to mold them first in rtv, so I can pour as many as I want and line them up and secured them to a base. I think when you lift the plastic off the templet you would have a whole sheet with the eyes dimpled out. Then cut and trim the eye out. This is all just an idea and I need to get to work to see what I can make of this. I think for starters I will carve a couple eyes first and try( no need to waste rtv if I dont need to) to secure them to a base, just to work the bugs out first. I dont know if I need to make the master molded eyes deeper than I want or try to make them exact. Anybody out there tried this before, if so throw a dog a bone and give some input. Thanks guys Jamie
  22. jamie

    some jerkbaits

    Great job!!!!!!!!!!
  23. jamie

    Home Made Eyes

    I was trying to go for a more custom eye , like a taxidermy eye. I think I have a start on trying something, I came across this looking through a wasco magazine. I dont know how link to the web page but type in www.taxidermy.com/eyes and scroll down and watch the video. I was thinking of molding a eye in rtv then ( so you will get the exact same eye instead of hand carving each one) after you mold and pour you will have an exact molding for the next step. Line the eyes up and try to v - form plastic to get a clear dome like in the video. Paint and seal like the video shows but at the end fill in with epoxy to make a solid eye. Do you guys think this will work? I know you can order hundreds of holographic eyes for little of nothing but its the custom eye that Im trying for.
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