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Everything posted by Bass-Boys

  1. From a different picture on Tackle Warehouse it does quite a bit of small blue flake.
  2. Way back when I used LC plastisol - I really like it - but it hard packed after a few days if not stirred. So keep that in mind you may have to mix it a lot if it is the same as it was years ago.
  3. This is what I use, Cin. Red No salt 8oz. plastisol,,,,,3 drops Root Beer,,,,,,,8 drops Plum,,,,,, 1 drop White - LC colors Cin. Brown with salt 8oz. plastisol,,,,8 drops chocolate,,,,6 drops black - LC colors
  4. There is a Red Cinnamon and a Brown Cinnamon. Maybe others ?
  5. I mite have a recipe if you do not find any info
  6. Add heat stabilizer and use it mixed in like mentioned above. but if it messes up your new plastisol - pitch it out
  7. Will it get less sticky over time as it cures ?
  8. This oil leaching is a problem. The Calhouns never did that. Other brands do. Back when I was selling to stores I had frogs in clam shells. When I went back to check inventory a month later all the frogs had slid to the bottom of the clams and were all wadded up. There also was oil in the bottom of the clams. I am not sure,but I think that was Do-it plastisol. When Poly-Sol 1st came out and sent samples to a lot of us. I told them I would not use it because of oil leaching a few days after they were demolded. I think they reworked the recipe to solve it - not sure ? Are they now BP ?
  9. I add lure craft chocolate brown.
  10. Yes, that is exactly how I do it. Use the smallest needle you can fit the skirt material through. I do not use any glue, just let the plastic bait hold it in place. If fish bite and hold just the skirt, sometimes it comes out. But will stay in place pretty good.,
  11. I do not know the color - but watermelon is more green than green pumpkin.
  12. pretty cool !! but - is that an efficient way to make baits ???
  13. I would like to hear the answers to this. I have been doing this for almost 20 years and do not own a Vac Chamber.
  14. Years ago - apx. 15 or so - I was thinking this hobby was making me feel off . I took the SDS sheet to my doctor. He told me nothing on it looks bad. Later I found out that its the fumes from it, not the plastisol it self. Maybe the SDS sheets have changed to warn you about the fumes ?? But then they hid it from us.
  15. Can not answer your question about acid. But always wear a mask and have a vent fan running too!!
  16. Bass-Boys


    yes, and there are Soft plastic , molds , ect . groups on Facebook just for your items
  17. 100 % agree on having the bait in hand.
  18. on tackle warehouse the tail looks brownish not reddish ? Maybe its not a good representation of the color ? Looked lite oxblood laminate over lite brown and the brown makes the tail. Did I give you a # 197 recipe ? Is it Cinnamon with black flake ?
  19. Looks like a laminate ?? I would try brown pumpkin - not too much then the flake,
  20. when I got barrels they only had 50 gallons in um from Calhouns. any way 2 qts to 50 gallons is just over an ounce per gallon. by my figures.
  21. If your buddy is going to buy the 55 gal. drum from them he should just ask them what to add.
  22. I was thinking butter knife too,, as CNC said . I remember the swim baits. But it would be to thin I thought. But maybe if you JB welded 2 of them together.. Hmmmmm .
  23. I have no Idea - But it sounds like the rod u dip with would need a wide spot in the belly area. If that makes sense?
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