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Everything posted by Bass-Boys

  1. for the best action I use medium and add softener ,, but it makes um tear easier .
  2. I use a lot of black .. straight and added to others to darken .
  3. I like Kelly Green for most stuff, but Emerald green is used for June Bug. small glitter of .015 and medium/large in .035/.040 is a good start
  4. I hope you get a reply .. that last post was made Feb. 15th of 2017
  5. I hear ya ,, I have to turn the fan to a lower setting, and use by body to block the air from hitting the pour stream .
  6. here is a start point .. add 1/4 teaspoon hardener to 1 cup plastisol .. add 6 drops heat stable to 1 cup plastisol
  7. I store them open side down just so no dust and other stuff gets in um. After a lot of use I wipe them down with worm oil. Thats all I do .
  8. I personally buy only Medium and have gallons of softener ( mostly for sticks ) and a qt of hardener. This way I can mix my own how I want it for each type of bait .
  9. only leave them in water for a few minutes..
  10. What type of bag are you using ? regular kitchen zip loc bags or Laminated Bait zip locks ?
  11. Make sure you oil the rod on the handle end. Also remove the o-rings and clean out under them and put um back in .
  12. depends on who you sell to. if they use a scanner to ring up there items then yes the bag needs a upc.
  13. I have never made um.. But I will guess at it . they will be hollow so when stored do not let um get smashed down and close the core hole . I think they would be hard to store ,, do not bend or smash um . If they stay in the correct shape should be able to keep um for a long while . make sure when you fill um that your plastic is hot .
  14. when it gets kinda solid flip the mold over on to a table top to cool. The paper Idea worked good .
  15. Hey all you Michigan guys,, What is your most productive color for the Ned rig ??
  16. Hmm ,, good advice,, do not bash your competition !!
  17. you will need to build a frame or bracket to hold the hooks.. I use straight pins pushed rite in the mold on each side of the hook - but my molds are silicone. plus my mold holds the line tite on each end then trim and tie the loop after pouring
  18. I have poured 100s of them with mono in the mold. Your plastic must be to hot . I used heavy mono it's been a while but I think 20-25 pound. and YES you can use braid in the mold too.
  19. I mite? have some molds I would sell. ( Silicone ) they would be 5-6" worms -- put the rig in the mold then hand pour. I will check ..
  20. That must be an old bait , they are different now . 7.5" ribbon tail with a longer body .
  21. Well Les how old are ya ?? Mite just be age , that's my reason !
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