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Everything posted by Bass-Boys

  1. as said above ,, white pearl power - and always add powder to cold plastic.. some times I add a drop or 2 of plain white color too.
  2. they make hologram in Gold and Silver so it must be the gold holo.
  3. make sure you mix the pearl in to cold plastisol before heating .
  4. when you say sticky baits, were they sticky before you started adding scent? if so, you mite not be mixing the plastisol enough before you make the baits? make sure there is no settling in the bottom of the jug.
  5. I do put a few drops of scent in the bags.
  6. yes the heavy salt stiff-ins the bait.
  7. Bait Junky's LC Spike-it not all call it string .
  8. travis, how long are the tubes you make from a pyrex cup ?
  9. this is how I do it. 6 oz plastic 1- drop green - lc 2- drops black - lc 5- drops pumpkin seed - lc 2- dashes - .035 purple 1- pinch - string gold 1- pinch - .035 gold
  10. Bass Shack, I sent you a Pm. if you are wanting to sell your del mart 5" stick molds I am intwerested. I need hand pour molds - not injection thanks Jeff
  11. make sure you are stirring well in between "ever time" you microwave. and maybe do all 15 second shots not 20 seconds.
  12. I use the LC # 728 2 cavity
  13. I can remember when i was a kid and worms like the manns jelly worm would melt the shelves and or compartments of the tackle boxes, We would wrap our worms in tin foil .then as years went buy they must have started using different plastic to make tackle boxes , it doesn't happen now to the tackle boxes.
  14. mine is yamamoto.. if you are using a watermelon that is on the yellow side cut back on the yellow. and ajust all items as needed
  15. 10 oz. plasisol salt 4 drops watermelon 3 drops yellow 3 drops black 1 smidge - .015 black 1 smidge - .015 gold
  16. the hotter the plastic the faster it settles also... i stir very well then pour 2 baits,, then stir again very well then pour 2 baits and so on.. you can only get 2 pours with average sized baits before you need to stir. make sure you bring the salt to the top when you stir. do not just spin it around , also use a spoon not a rod or knife. the spoon will catch more salt and stir it better.
  17. what is going on with the salt that is not working ?? I hand pour and inject with salt a lot .
  18. Nice, looks like the Crappie pup but a touch longer tails
  19. Bass-Boys

    Clam Shells

    I just got a full case of clam shells and only need apx. 1/2 case. So I have some extras for sale. I can spare apx. 200 or so. .49 cents each + shipping -- I can get 75 clams in a regional -B -Box that ships for apx. $ 8.45.. if your address is in the region B area.---- 4.2" x 3" x 1.25" deep bassboysbaits@cmsinter.net
  20. I am about to buy 2 cases of clam shells. I will have extra for sale if anyone needs any. sizes -- apx. 4" x 3" x 1.25" and -- apx. 3 " x 2" x 1 "
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