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Everything posted by Bass-Boys

  1. I was thinking butter knife too,, as CNC said . I remember the swim baits. But it would be to thin I thought. But maybe if you JB welded 2 of them together.. Hmmmmm .
  2. I have no Idea - But it sounds like the rod u dip with would need a wide spot in the belly area. If that makes sense?
  3. You need a laminate bait bag. clearbags.com
  4. Agree above, Sounds like things are getting cooled off to soon. Not the product at all.
  5. I use scissors. Cut while plastic cooks and molds cool. Also I never leave pucks.. Pour the left over into molds then it is way easier to cut up later.
  6. Les, someone makes a thinner plastisol -- I think it is intended for dipping eyes? This mite be the ticket for your tubes.
  7. Looks like Green Pumpkin .035 flake and maybe .015 Hologram flake or disco flake ?
  8. If the remelt is already changing color even a little it will color the whole batch.
  9. I sent you a message on here.
  10. That can be a touchy subject . They all have there goods and bads. If that works on hardener I will do 1/2 price plus shipping
  11. I have a bunch of extra hardener if u need .
  12. Do they come out of the mold when you do the color switching ?
  13. Is picture #4 using the same dye and flake as # 3 ?
  14. I agree - If you are closing for a move or what ever - you must inform your customer base of what is happening. Keep them well informed or you just mite loose some or a lot of business.
  15. Has anyone changed out the hold together nuts that come stock with the AI mold? If so what did you use ?
  16. Slot Car Racing is one of my other hobbies.
  17. Can we get a picture of your 4 color baits?
  18. My opinion would be- That tail does not have much movement. I do not have the mold. I would use it as a Jerk bait.
  19. They mite have an additive you can add that they did not get in the mix ?
  20. Looks great - To match better ,, more belly less top. More small flake in belly.
  21. Make the bait in a different mold that is much smaller. This will save on plastic and color, until u get the color rite.
  22. How many are you thinking ? I dip some tubes but not in large quantities. Message me with a color and quantity.
  23. I had the same question. Talked to them about it . They told me they work and act the same. So then I asked, why would you still make the HIGH odor mix then ???? They say it's because there is to many guys that will not change what they have been using (212 ) and are used to. I still wonder about it ? I have not tried the 242, but will the next time I buy.
  24. Does it kinda look brownish on the top side?
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