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Everything posted by Bass-Boys

  1. I figured it would be dels.. I have good luck with april @ delmart if they have the mold I get it with in 3-5 days. LC has one that looks close its not dels. they do not have dels in the catalog I have emailed LC already today with an order and requested samples of the 5" twins. do you have the dels mold in the link ?
  2. what mold do you guys feel is the closest to Yamamoto 5" twin tail hula grub. just the grub not the skirt. thanks
  3. where you getting the orange ones ??
  4. start with a 1/2 teaspoon you may want more ?? brands of plastic in soft ( and med and hard ) vary you mite even get up to a full teaspoon ?? its hard to tell some one exactly what to add start with a 1/2 and ajust from there.. let the baits cure for a few days to let them harden up good.
  5. add hardner to cold uncooked plastic only. and stir well like said above. and a teaspoon to 6 oz is too much also.
  6. that's mine on ebay.. talk to me Mark !
  7. salt will firm it up but will also make it tare easier.. you can buy just softner if you want. because you used up the soft part of the LC ( being not mixed well ) you have only the harder stuff left in the bottom.. so you may need to add softner - apx. 1 table spoon per cup of plastic,, but use that as just a place to start,, try 1 cup then ajust the amount of softner as needed,
  8. you need to mix the LC well always do not use it if you only mix it a little to get a softer bait. it need to be mixed 100% to work rite. they will not only be to soft but sticky if not mixed well so yes mix the 2 together, but still always mix it up well.
  9. for me I add florescent & pearls to cold plastic. and the other liquid colors I can add extra to hot . the flors and pearls do not like hot flors will seem weak when added to hot and you use more the pearls will stay lumpy in hot so if more is needed I mix it in a small amount of cold plastic like a 1/2 oz mix well and add that to the hot mix.
  10. just listed these on ebay !!! 1-- hand pour 8 cav. Dels Fatty mold and 1500 asst. pre made skirts. the skirts are a good mixture of 16 different colors. Black,,, Black w/ gold flake ,,, Black & Blue,,, Purple,,, Chartreuse pepper,,,, chartreuse w/ gold and green,,,, pumpkin seed,,, pumpkin w/ gold,,,pumpkin seed w/ green,,,glow in the dark,,, watermelon no flake,,, watermelon seed,,, watermelon w/ red & green,,, watermelon seed w/ red,,, watermelon seed w/ gold,,, green pumpkin. $ 200.00 firm I pay the shipping to you in the lower 48 states. I have these items listed on other sites too.
  11. he makes 2 different molds,' 1 - for hand pour 1 - for injection the hand pour has the all vent nubs on the baits if the plastic is very hot.
  12. one of the best molds made. and there are other great molds out there too.
  13. plastic needs to be a touch warmer,, and or the mold needs to be warmer
  14. yeah they are 2.25 - 2.5 just body w/ skirt almost 4"
  15. I have some of the Dels hand pour Fattie molds for sale,, and lots of pre made skirts but am working a deal with another member rite now he gets 1st shot. Jeff
  16. I got the new 2014 LC catalog and it looks like they have added more of Dels molds ?
  17. use stabilizer and only heat up enough plastic to do 4 shots not 6 ,, takes more batches but they will stay more clear.
  18. make sure the plastic was mixed up 100 %. the hardener will settle to the bottom of the plastisol container. it must be mixed very good before heating
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