sorry to change the subject on this thread,.
Prime Beef.. !!!
I am a meat cutter and own my own meat shop..
it is very hard to buy prime any more..
most all the Choice beef I buy, angus or not, the label on the box will say choice or higher..
in the past ( a few years back ,, maybe 10 years ) I could order " Prime" beef, but now the best I can get is Choice or higher.
the grading is not as good as it was either.. in the boxes that say choice or higher,, some times ,, and not very often,,
there will be a pc. in there that would go prime,,
also in the same box you will get some pc's that will be lower than choice ( select )
also , now days because of the doctors advise, a lot of folks want leaner beef.. prime is not leaner,,
but it is very tastie & tender...
back to worm oil !!!