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Everything posted by Bass-Boys

  1. dels, # SKU16442 thats the mold # there is a picture on his site but no picture of the stick it self. i sold it on ebay 2 weeks back and the guy has not paid for it,, or even got with me on whats up.. ebay is working on the problem. if he or she ? doen't pay then its for sale, would you like a picture of the stick bait posted? or a pic of the mold ? thanks
  2. hand pour or injection ? I mite have one for sale
  3. he does both.. you should talk with him on pricing. mine was a custom . not sure if he has set pricing or if the time it takes to make a certain mold affects the cost.
  4. Got my 1st injection mold today from HighRock. Its a super nice mold, looks as nice as any I have from 3-4 other makers. shoots great, I will buy more.
  5. Just wanted to let you guys know that I am having Kyle @ Highrockmolds do some molds for me. So far every thing has been just great. Super nice guy to work with and the service seems awesome !! thanks Kyle, Jeff
  6. Yum , took one of my baits !!
  7. looks like a "pud-gee craw" to me.. punch-in pudge Pud-gee wud-gee
  8. its the Bags,, reg. or freezer zip loc bags will not hold the oil. you need a laminated plastic zip loc
  9. Bass-Boys

    soft plastic craw molds

    Bass tackle molds wanted. 4.2" - hog split tail -hand pour 3" - craw trailer injection thanks Jeff bassboysbaits@cmsinter.net
  10. I asume, but have not tested this.. that some of the salt mite disolve in the plastisol and stays suspended much beter than the salt granuals ?
  11. no I have not ever tested it that way.. If I need 100% salt free baits I start with fresh plastisol and do not add salt.. but for some guys that do not buy plastisol in 5 gal or larger & not wanting to waste plastic they can cut off the salted part. and as i said it will get most of the salt out but probably not all..
  12. heat it up in a pyrex and let it set to cool, the salt will settle to the bottom take out the cooled plastisol and cut off the bottom 1/2 " of the cooled plastisol that will get rid of most of the salt, not all but most.
  13. no fill it completely and pour the next cav. then go back and put more on the 1st cav, pour the 3rd , then go back over the 1st 2 cavs ,, ect. this works for me,, maybe the sockets are a better option for some people... if so great idea.
  14. just pour slower and top off the mold with a second pour. should stop the air pockets
  15. looks like some pearl added to the colors to me.
  16. I would say the part in question is the body not the claws ?? bigger ck book... I agree.
  17. makes sence for injection. I always have a couple hand pour molds setting there to use up the extra plastic.
  18. makes sence... so far I have a -0- thanks
  19. I see under my avitar I have a spot for warning points? I do not see that on any body else's posts ? any ideas?
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