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Everything posted by Bass-Boys

  1. anybody use an inset in there laminate bags to keep swim bait tails or frogs feet from getting flatened out after being packaged for a long time?
  2. awesome looking stir... that you can use with the lid on the 5 gal pail !!!
  3. so was the used plastic melted down when you added the powder? or was it in chunks not melted ?
  4. depends on the style but apx. 650 - 700 baits per gallon and thats remelting all the spews and using all the trimmings in the worms.
  5. did you stir the powder in or just dump it on top of the plastic?
  6. if the recipe does not show salt in it, then Yes I would add more color if you are adding salt to the mix.. but use your own judgement on the color. You mite like the color with the salt added w/out any more color. then again you mite want to add more color.Color is not an exact match thing.. the only time you need an exact match is when your customer insists it needs to match a color they already use. getting the color close is usually good enough,now you need to get that bait in the right spot for the fish & get the rite presintation for the bite. just my 2cents on color matching,
  7. BOTH MOLDS ARE SOLD !!! I have 2 like new, used very little, aluminum 2 pc hand pour molds. 1-- Del's - 5" round back SF Mold ( SKU 6288) 2-pc 4 cav. $ 85.00 TYD in 48 states USA-- SOLD 1-- Bass Tackle - 5" Buzz Frog Zilla 2 pc. 1 cav. hand pour mold. just like the BFROG 3.5" but bigger. $ 85.00 TYD in 48 states USA
  8. x2,, but I use the pourasol,, love the price !!!
  9. I would use the medium my self and get some softner to add to it if needed.
  10. that is going to be tough to answer. are they salted worms ? you will probably have to make up a small batch say 4 oz. and see how you like it then double the hardner for 8 oz.
  11. not a good idea to add hardner to hot plastic. it will ball up and not mix in. You can remelt the baits you made that are to soft. add hardner to some fresh cold plastic and then add it to the remeled baits.
  12. I always got mine from Lure Craft but never needed large amounts of them.
  13. I always have to use double the purple flake over other colors to get it to show up well.
  14. see if del has it in stock.. if so, you should get it rite away. also Lure Craft sells dels molds.. basstackle has good stuff too. and good service.
  15. i think you could cut the foam the long way with a razor blade. mite work.
  16. I agree, I think that orange pumpkin seed is the base.
  17. richard, have you ever used this brand of Plastisol?
  18. maybe a mold maker will give the best answer to this
  19. I have never had to clean any of my aluminum molds ?? and do not oil them , i do not have any hindged molds. they may need more attention? my thought would be to use an automotive brake cleaner,, but just a guess.
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