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Everything posted by Bass-Boys

  1. I agree, I think that orange pumpkin seed is the base.
  2. richard, have you ever used this brand of Plastisol?
  3. maybe a mold maker will give the best answer to this
  4. I have never had to clean any of my aluminum molds ?? and do not oil them , i do not have any hindged molds. they may need more attention? my thought would be to use an automotive brake cleaner,, but just a guess.
  5. you have to have your plastic very hot for the darter... 340 - 350 deg. the drop shot should pour @ a little over 300 to 320
  6. I use the same expander.. thanks guys,
  7. so you 1st put the rubber collar on ,, then tie the skirt w/ thread or wire rite beside the rubber collar, then remove the rubber collar ??
  8. Saugerman, did it float to the surface w/ a hook in it? neat stuff,, but i do not think it will work in a finesse mold, it will be to fat.. if I read it rite, its $ 1.00 per foot + shipping. Looks like he used 2 pc. @ apx. 1.5 " long each in the toad. so i am guessing he put 30 cents worth in 1 bait.. what do you guys think ??
  9. I just pick up some lure works purple.. but still have some of the black grape so I have not tried the LW purple yet .
  10. if you place an order with LC.. say for color or other stuff,, they will pour you a sample of any mold & send you the bait. but you have to buy some stuff at the same time. that has helped me out a lot w/ mold choices.
  11. for some reason you do have to add more purple than you do with any other color ? maybe even double the amount.
  12. the best way I have found is to mix up the plastic and go with less drops of color at 1st ..pour a bait,, if its to light,, add a touch of color and put the light bait back in the plastic and remelt. if the bait is too light of color you can always add more color,, but if its too dark you can not take color out.. but you can add a touch more fresh plastic to the mix,
  13. meaning -- half plastic & half floater bubbles ? a 50/50 mix ?
  14. good luck on floating any bait w/ a hook in it.. I have had the same issues in the past.. as far as I know you have done the best you can..
  15. Watermelon - red, is in every single list !! Hmmm ..
  16. great point smallmouth. yes, mix it very well in cold plastisol..
  17. start with a 1/4 teaspoon to 3-4 oz. of soft plastic, then you have to use your own judgement on if its good or if it needs more or less.
  18. this will vary with the maker of the baits. I would use apx. 1/4 teaspoon. and wait to put it in the plastic after its up to temp.
  19. I tried worm oils and got a few hits not sure if the answer is there?
  20. 529, great info.. also the LC molds will make a flat sided grub .
  21. can the molds ( 2 pc. aluminum ) be made w/ fins on the out side to displace the heat better ??
  22. I like the looks of the cc frog.. i use the bass tackle buzz frog hand pour..
  23. do you think the crany creek mold can be hand poured ?
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