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Everything posted by Bass-Boys

  1. http://www.caneycreekmolds.com/Mad-Dad--3XL_p_53.html
  2. If it were me I would use lure craft 536 for sticks then you will not need to add the softner.
  3. for some reason red pigment is very exspensive? even at the auto body shop they told me red paint was one of the most costly colors?
  4. check w/ del @ Delmart
  5. Got cha.. have you read up on these baits ?? www.vinnerbaits.com they have an insert of some type ? Jeff
  6. use heat shrink tubing. cut it into 1/4" or shorter sections slide it over the worm & put the hook through the heat shrink ( poke a hole through it with the point ) and through the worm at the same time. works awesome. Jeff
  7. So you are saying that a 55 gallon drum of soft calhouns was $ 650.00 just resently ????
  8. www.basstackle.com http://www.basstackle.com/category_s/72.htm
  9. oops not on this page. on this site forum front page presto pot thread started by Cormorant Lures
  10. on this page rite below this thread.. Started by Cormerant Lures
  11. I posted some info for ya on the other presto pot thread,
  12. the 2 type pots you are asking about are different and I can not says whats better. Bears will get hot enough to remelt plastics,, if you are remelting,,, yes you want a stir. it takes a lot of used plastics to make new baits. I would just use a micro wave to remelt,, unless you have a big big pile of them.. also. remelting is touchy,, a lot of guys will not do it. If I remelt, I always add new fresh uncooked plastisol to them..
  13. until you get the pots use a 2- cup pyrex. maybe you do ?? but a 2 cupper makes a good batch of 5" who's molds are you using for the sticks ?
  14. wow, must be you and your wife got the stuff figured out.. good luck.
  15. Teflon non stick for sure ... micro wave safe ????
  16. what will happen to a laminate try w/ a side in ject mold ? Jeff
  17. yes lure craft has the paint for soft plastics, Color Tech apx. 7.00 bottle. good size bottle. 4 oz I think ? Jeff
  18. Mark, not to change the subject ,,but my youngest boy has got 8-10 hours of driving on his permit now.. needs 50 hours of driving with us before october then takes the 2nd segment. glade he can not get a licence till june 4th . Jeff
  19. isn't more on the red side ???
  20. 1st off alluring baits does not make any baits. they buy all there stuff from big manufacturers all his plastics are machine injected. not saying there is anything wrong with that. just that they are not hand pours and not made in small batches.
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