you should be able to get a medical sheet ( there is a proper name for it ) from any place that sells plastisol.
I got one from Lure Craft last year. Took it to my doctor.. I was having a soar throat after making a lot of baits.
he did not think it was the plastisol. Now I said he did not -- think --- it was the plastisol..
did not know for poss.
I feel the scents ,,garlic,, craw ,, ect,, have worse fumes..I have not got any
med. sheets on the scents yet..
I did not pour all winter and I now feel good,
I also have a better hood vent this far no soar throat..but I have
not made a whole lot of baits,,maybe 4-5 hundred so far..
different people can get a different problem from plastic,, it mite not bother some people
and then others mite be affected..
just my opinion..