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Everything posted by Bass-Boys

  1. Craig, I use a micro,, why not just pour from the pyrex rite out of micro? also does the mold leak where its cracked? I have one thats cracked too but it still works fine.
  2. welcome, just where in upper mich. are you.? I am in the dead center of lower michigan.I mite be able to help you out, shoot me an email. Jeff -- bassboysbaits@cmsinter.net
  3. I think they told me $ 795.00.. not ( $800.00 ) I will see if I have the notes to make sure.
  4. before the price increase they just had pourasol in 55 gal was $ 800.00 + apx. $200.00 for shipping depending on where you live.
  5. wait for Jims ( ghost ) response to this, he will know for sure. he uses MF-SS & is now testing the Lure Works
  6. they ( spike ) told me may 1st prices went up some.
  7. ok, open to any offers before they go to ebay thanks Jeff
  8. it is floating. it come s back to the surface
  9. you need to make sure your plastic is shook up very very good and there is zero settling in the bottom of your plasic container. what settles is the hardner it needs to be all mixed up. the recipe looks good. also you can remelt the messed up batches. for less soft baits do not add more salt.. use less softner. if you have some hardner add some of it.
  10. Hawg, did you ever get this color down.. I can not seem to get it just rite either . I use all LC colors and can not get it transparent enough. thanks
  11. up for sale... 2- 8 cavity aluminum Fat Ika molds from Del-Mart and 5000 - asst. skirts total 2000 - Yamamoto brand ( cost .17 cents each ) 3000--Private Injected brand 18- different colors of skirts $ 450.00 shipped to your door in the 48 states USA
  12. pumpkin seed color from LC has an orange color to it.
  13. I was wondering some of the same questions.
  14. I have not used the ultra sol. I have just used apx. 3 gallons of the med. poura sol as a whole it was very good, did have some micro bubbles.. more bubbles with smaller batches like 4 oz.. with 16 oz batches the bubbles were way less.. does smoke a bit too.. the settling was very little and could be shook up very easily the baits are a touch tacky too seems to go away after a couple days.. all of my pouring so far was with salt & softner added. I have only poured calhons,, Lure Craft & the spike so I can not compare to any others.. can not beat it for the price..
  15. Pit, hope this has helped you get your color down.. Jim, as always your work is A-1
  16. wow, great job,, is that 3 dips? what are you heating the plastic with?
  17. are the dents allready there when you demold ? I have never seen a dent come on after demolding ?
  18. wow, I need to see you guys in action on video !!!! thats a ton of baits !!!!
  19. Like pit said , go heavy with the pumpkin then maybe add a few drops of black & black flake
  20. I agree with the full face resp..evev though I have not went there yet..
  21. We had a 7.5 weighed in last year. in mid michigan.. some of us have fished the lake since the 70s and its the biggest we have seen..til then a 6.65 was big bass for the year. and that was a pig for mid michigan inland lakes. also, I checked and the Doozie stick tubes are only 5.5"
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