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Everything posted by tclark

  1. I wondered how the little appendages would fill on baits like that; sounds like injection is the way to go although I'd prefer to not have to buy more crap! I guess that's how it goes though. Still like to hear what the action's like on that bait if anyone has used it.
  2. I'm looking for a good baby brush hog type mold in a 2-piece hand pour. Del has an intriguing one that has straight tails rather than the curly tails--what's the action like on those things? The description says the bait has a lot of action but the tails seem awful straight. I kinda like the look of them on the computer but the molds are just too dang expensive to order one and not like it! Anyone have that mold? Here it is: http://www.del-mart.com/shop/product.php?productid=17035&cat=260&page=1
  3. That makes sense, I have trouble with the little stuff with the pyrex cup. I'll have to order a few pouring pans, they're pretty cheap anyhow. Thanks for the tips everyone!
  4. Wow, thanks for the great replies guys--looks like ya'll have been doing this a while!
  5. Gotcha---no clue how I missed them before(I looked on their site earlier). Do they pour better than the Pyrex cups?
  6. So what exactly is a pouring cup/pan and where do you buy them? I've a newbie so I've been reading through the archives and see them mentioned a lot, but I have yet to see one for sale.
  7. Yeah I've been digging through my worms to try to come up with something cool; guess I'll stick to that!
  8. I like the idea of coming up with my own lure designs, but realized I have no clue what the best way to do that is. How do ya'll do it? What do ya'll use? I'm just planning on making pop molds. Do you just use modeling clay or something like that? How do you get things like claws and appendages symmetrical?
  9. Yup, it's got a metal band so no microwave use. I'm using a burner now so not a problem for me.
  10. I was in Bed Bath & Beyond yesterday and happened to walk by a little clearance rack and saw these on sale for $10 so I got a couple of them. Played around with them a little this evening and I think I like them better than the Pyrex cups(although I very much don't have a clue what I'm doing!). Thought I'd pass on the idea though, they're only like $16 normally. http://www.krupsonlinestore.com/product_detail.asp?T1=KRW+MS-0927517&MENU=parts&SELECT=espressomachines&SKW=accespresso
  11. Well here's what I made; works pretty well so far. I took a random piece of plastic and set it on fire, then put some plastic straight on the burner and it sucked the smoke right up.
  12. I think I've decided to just go ahead a run a hose out the door when needed. I'm in Louisiana so it's hot the vast majority of the time, just happens to have been pretty cold and rainy lately so I was trying to come up with something else. Thanks for the ideas!
  13. Haha, there once was a time when I probably wouldn't have thought twice about just cutting a hole... I don't have a window, just a garage door and a regular door. You'd think with both of those open it would venilate itself well but it doesn't, even with a fan going.
  14. Gotcha. I'm not worried about the difficulty at all, just don't own the place so probably shouldn't cut holes in the wall!
  15. I found a 350cfm vent hood that I'm gonna set up on the workbench to vent the plastic fumes when pouring. I don't want cut a hole in the wall if possible so I was thinking of running the exhaust through a hepa filter and back into the garage. Any input on how well this would work? I won't pour very often, just tinkering mostly so it doesn't have to be perfect.
  16. Thanks for all the advice guys; I tried a few last night with the mold raised and two hands and it definitly made things a little easier. I plan to get a pot at some point as well, but would like to be able to pour one by hand pretty well too.
  17. Just starting to try my hand at pouring worms--wondering why the heck I haven't done it before! Quick question though, I see most of ya'll seem to just use Pyrex measuring cups to melt/pour----how the heck do ya'll pour real small, thin worms or the appendages on others? Are ya'll pouring straight from the cup or did I miss something? I can get about 1 out of 5 to come out perfect; I know there's a learning curve(already better and only done it a few times) but just wondering if there's some tricks/tips I'm not aware of. Thanks!
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